
5 Years
May 29, 2019
I recently noticed a hard lump on the inner side of one of my 1.5 y/o RIR's ankles (around where her foot meets her leg). It does not feel warm to the touch, and is quite hard. It seems a bit pinkish, but it's hard to tell, because all of my chickens' feet get a little splotchy and pink when running around in the cold.

I was worried it could be bumblefoot , which I've dealt with before, but I am not seeing any sign of a scab/injury, and her foot pads seem normal. Further, she is getting around perfectly fine--jumping up and down from roosts bars, running around when foraging, etc. No signs of illness. She is one of our most energetic hens.

It's hard to capture in pictures, but there is a definite lump in a place that is not mirrored on her other foot. Please see the photos and let me know your thoughts!

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The toe looks slightly turned, maybe the knot is from a previous injury.

If she's very active, doesn't indicate pain, etc. Personally I would take a wait and see approach, meaning leave it alone, but monitor the area to see if there's any changes or if she starts having difficulties.
The toe looks slightly turned, maybe the knot is from a previous injury.

If she's very active, doesn't indicate pain, etc. Personally I would take a wait and see approach, meaning leave it alone, but monitor the area to see if there's any changes or if she starts having difficulties.
Thank you! I was wondering about that, but cannot recall a visible injury in her history (but she's a tough gal and would be one to "walk it off"). It does feel, I don't know, calcified (?) under there or something.

I'm just glad it's *likely* not a bumble. I've dealt with my fair share of bumblefoot issues about a year ago (none of which resembled this) and since then I'm all about the weekly foot checks. So many things can be nipped in the bud if I take the time to look. The only problem is, in trying to be preventative, I sometimes read too much into minor abnormalities that may mean nothing.

I'll keep an eye on it, and watch for any worsening or additional symptoms. Thanks again!

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