Mystery chick, can you identify it ???


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 7, 2011
Hello, I hatched out a few Chicks last week. One was supposed to be a Silkie,,,
I should have known it wasn't, I thought the egg was too big for a Silkie.
Anyway the egg it hatched out of was medium to large and white. Any ideas what breed this chick may be? Thanks

It's a total mystery because I had a spare space it my incubator and asked around at the Poultry
Mart for a Silky egg. I figured it wasn't silky from the size, but hatched it out anyway,,,,and it sure
isn't a Silkie.
Oh I see
well let me look at some things and try to help you figure ir out.
willowbranchfarm and goldfinches are100% correct. It's an Ancona....mostly.
I remembered I had the number of the egg provider from something else.
I got in contact and it was an Ancona hen, for sure, Thanks so much for the help.
I really appreciate it. The Rooster is unknown....any guesses there : ) .
Thanks to everyone on the thread for your input.......mystery solved.

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