mystery cochin color?


13 Years
Feb 7, 2011
north Georgia

Came with my Bantam Cochin order. I have a few of these chicks, they are almost 2 weeks old now. They started out buff or possibly a shade darker than the "true" buffs. As they've gotten their feathers I see "barring" and even some of the chicks appear to have white coming in. What color is it? I started to think gold laced but it doesn't look like photos online nor does it look laced. It looks barred to me.

Were chicks of a different breed accidentally included?

If it helps they are from IDEAL poultry.
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Have you tried going to the Ideal site and looking at the colors they have available. Most times, you can match your chick to their pics and you have your answer :)
So, I checked all the cochins on Ideal's website...none fit the chick you have there....and then I checked the other feather footed bantam breeds and they don't fit either.

I would guess that someone got into the pen of someone else and it's a mix of cochin colors. Maybe you might want to contact Ideal and see what they have to say :)

Good luck!
My Cochins from Ideal are LF, but they look alot like yours. They are supposed to be red. They're a little older than these pics, and have darkened up a little, but still don't really look red to me. More like a dark buff. They also have a little white and some smutty brownish spots.
When I first got them:

What they looked like about a week ago, not the best pics....sorry:


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