Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Would it be possible to breed a bantam NN to a class a serama. has anyone tried. would you have to use artifical insemination. I think a serama NN  would be awesome
flower has a tiny NN. My bantam NN roo is 12" but I have him in with D'uccles. They're not very big. I'm sure a Serama roo could do the job without any problem if you have some bantam NN hens. My smallest NN's are a bit larger than my D'uccles. They lay huge eggs though, as big as my LF Spitzhauben and almost as big as the Swedish Flower Hens. The birds came from eggs from DDD.
Would it be possible to breed a bantam NN to a class a serama. has anyone tried. would you have to use artifical insemination. I think a serama NN would be awesome

There was pictures of a NN serama cockerel on this site a long time ago.. Some individual birds are good at breeding birds of very different size from themselves but it'd probably be a better bet to either use AI or do a "natural"(no AI) first cross of bantam NN with a larger sized serama then breed the crosses with seramas of your preferable size.

I'd love to see a NN serama with the extreme posture, want to see how that neck is carried without feathers in the way.. and don't some serama necks 'shake' like on fantail pigeons?
I think I provided chicken transport on the Okie chicken train for a NN serema for a fellow Okie BYCer and posted pics of her. I will see if I can find them.
Honest opinion- they do look like they were bred from show-bred stock- their body type is nice.. but they also look crossed, either with another breed or colors were allowed to mix. The rooster would be DQ because of his big bowtie, color on his back and saddles- cuckoo are supposed to be black and white barred all over, with no other color. He is also not pure for the barring gene as he has spots of solid black. He will produce some solid black daughters as a result.

If you like blacks, this pair would give you a good start via those black daughters(no black sons) but would need to work on breeding for solid black roosters. Need the extra helper genes that turn them solid colored- not have any color on the saddle areas.

I also suspect their barring came from solid white stock in their ancestry.. adding barring to whites helps keep the white crispier and also helps with clearing the legs to a clean yellow. If this hunch is correct and both of these carry genes for white, you may get 1/4 white chicks. These whites will 'breed true' to color.


these are my new bantam cuckoo naked necks




These were a few pic I took of her on her couple of day layover at my house. She has been an awesome broody mom in her home (Artsyrobin) and is a nonstop chatter, seriously NONSTOP. But she is beautiful.

By the way I believe her name is Dragon.
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