Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Hi all, Im new to the NNs, tried to hatch out some last year but ended up with a hatch of nothing but cockerels.. Joy.. So finally Ive got a few youngsters and definitely some pullets now. So, after they start laying Id love to work on a NN ee/olive project.. Ive got one pen of wheaten ameraucanas, f1 and f2 olives and some BCMs. Basically am aiming for a nn that will lay a green/olive egg. With the birds I have, what is my best way to accomplish this? I do have 1 nn roo of breeding age that I can start using now, but the pullets wont be laying for a bit. Is it better to put the nn roo over the olives, or wait until the pullets mature and put them under the olive roos? Just want to avoid those straight combs :)

(my apologies if this has already been discussed but had a hard time finding it in the thread).
Are NN roos aggressive because my Leroy's showing signs ...Not that it matters I have experience with aggressive roos and know how to handle them and its NOT by killing...I just keep them penned when children are around and carry a stick with me into the pen...It does make gathering eggs interesting lol
If one of the parents was a Silkie, more than likely the chicks carry the silkie feather gene. So if you bred one of the 'el cajon chicks' to your Naked Neck Silkie, the chicks would be silkie feathered.
It's a shame you aren't close by, I've got a couple of little guys that would work for you and are breeding age already.
Thanks Lisa. I wish you were closer too :) BTW, the two little frizzle NN's I got from someone else who hatched out some of your eggs are just amazing! They're both small, the black is especially tiny, yet they both lay huge blue eggs. Their eggs are as large as my Swedish Flower Hen eggs.

My week old silkie X frizzle naked neck chicks
hard to tell but looks like I have a sizzle and a naked neck frizzle at least. fifteen degrees and mom is doing an excellent job raising these peeps. One look at the bare back side of their heads just makes me smile. every time. Every single time.
Are NN roos aggressive because my Leroy's showing signs ...Not that it matters I have experience with aggressive roos and know how to handle them and its NOT by killing...I just keep them penned when children are around and carry a stick with me into the pen...It does make gathering eggs interesting lol
NN roosters are not necessarily aggressive. Most "males" become somewhat "cockier" when the big testosterone hits them for the first time and most will calm down and mellow. From experience and lots of reading I learned that first rule is, "Show them that their aggressiveness is not going to be tolerated." Many different techniques and web space devoted to the subject. I have found that showing them you are boss must be timely. Pick him up, carry him around can result in humility from the bird's point of view. Some people dare them to attack and when they do, the owners kick them across the yard. And from that point on, they say that the rooster will not challenge them by rushing at them. Middle ground, pick the rooster up then lay him down and pin him down for a spell and if not successful the first time pull on his tail feathers.
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NN roosters are not necessarily aggressive. Most "males" become somewhat "cockier" when the big testosterone hits them for the first time and most will calm down and mellow. From experience and lots of reading I learned that first rule is, "Show them that their aggressiveness is not going to be tolerated." Many different techniques and web space devoted to the subject. I have found that showing them you are boss must be timely. Pick him up, carry him around can result in humility from the bird's point of view. Some people dare them to attack and when they do, the owners kick them across the yard. And from that point on, they say that the rooster will not challenge them by rushing at them. Middle ground, pick the rooster up then lay him down and pin him down for a spell and if not successful the first time pull on his tail feathers.
Yeah NN aren't as bad as other breeds but I had to separate my 2 NN head roosters cause the solid white nn roo would not let the white with black spots mate any older hens in the coop and he sometimes chased him. The 2 roosters are brothers and were cool with each other when I put them in the older chicken coop 2 weeks later now white rooster hates spotted roo. Might have to cull white NN cause he's abit mean to other roosters. The spotted one is such lover not a hater.

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