Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Okay, I'm giggling here because I have chicks (one under a broody and 2 in the incubator) from Kev's roo and DDD's hens. Did you two know you make beautiful babies together?! :oops: :lol: :lau
I have almost equal green eggs (EE moms) and brown eggs (nn moms) and a few white eggs (nn moms) it is odd that all the pipping is going on in the green eggs, no brown egg and only one white one is pipping.
I have almost equal green eggs (EE moms) and brown eggs (nn moms) and a few white eggs (nn moms) it is odd that all the pipping is going on in the green eggs, no brown egg and only one white one is pipping.
May be odd but it is consistent.
Just got my NN from Urch today and some Australorps
Cute chicks!
Just picked up my chicks today. Urch sent me 7 red naked necks, like 12-14 BA, and 4-5 red chicks that were supposed to be NN but the NN gene wasn't dominanant in them. He told me to keep the females cause they may carry NN gene. Not to sure what to think of the BA cause there a new breed I am trying out.
If you don't *see* naked on the neck, then they didn't inherit the gene for Naked Neck AT ALL and can't carry it. You could use the feather neck reds to cross back to birds that HAVE a naked neck and get naked necks. The percentages would be the same as if you were crossing out to a Rhode Island Red or other feather neck breed.
16 out now, most are very energetic I have my doubts about one but still hopefull. I have some seriously naked NN's in the hatch. One that skin and feathers are so black you can't tell what's what.

12 to go

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