Naked Neck/Turken Thread

I don't know, that's what that guy keeps telling me, but then again everyone around that age says they were there so he probably is bsing lol...As for sewer break around here I haven't heard such a thing.
I don't know, that's what that guy keeps telling me, but then again everyone around that age says they were there so he probably is bsing lol...As for sewer break around here I haven't heard such a thing.

At that time I was smoking 'killer dope' and listening to Jimmy Hendrix too but I was in the middle of my second tour in Vietnam and even being thousands of miles away from home, I heard about 'Woodstock' and knew it wasn't in California.

Sounds like your buddy might be on Wild Irish Rose instead of good bourbon.
im kind of confused with one of my chicks. it was fine today and then in the afternoon i found it sitting there and idk it just didnt look alright so i picked it up one of its eyes had a peice of food stuck in it so i got it out but he kept the eye shut a lot and i checked to see if he had pasty butt and it looked like he had a litle so i cleaned it but ever since this afternoon he has been just sitting around. i havent seen him eating really or drinking. dipped his beak a couple times to make sure he stays hydrated but im confused as to whether i should leave him with the rest of the chicks or take it out and separate it from the rest. i tried to put him in a box under the light but he just ended up getting out. do you think he sounds sick and i should separate him from the rest or should i leave him with the others?
At that time I was smoking 'killer dope' and listening to Jimmy Hendrix too but I was in the middle of my second tour in Vietnam and even being thousands of miles away from home, I heard about 'Woodstock' and knew it wasn't in California.

Sounds like your buddy might be on Wild Irish Rose instead of good bourbon.
What rank were you when you got out?
Well Meanie did it! She managed to hatch 2 chicks in sub-zero temps. I did bring her and the babies inside for the reminder of the cold temps. Yesterday was their first day back outside. She was glad to be out with her buds again and to be able to teach her chicks a few things. I have a new little NN baby. I hope everyone made out OK in those temps! I am exhausted!

Well Meanie did it! She managed to hatch 2 chicks in sub-zero temps. I did bring her and the babies inside for the reminder of the cold temps. Yesterday was their first day back outside. She was glad to be out with her buds again and to be able to teach her chicks a few things. I have a new little NN baby. I hope everyone made out OK in those temps! I am exhausted!

Their adorable and so is Meanie, Congrats!!
Well Meanie did it! She managed to hatch 2 chicks in sub-zero temps.
Good job Meanie!
I had a pair of homing pigeons with a 2-day-old squeak when it got so darn cold. I was worried if it would make it, but they did just fine : )

im kind of confused with one of my chicks. it was fine today and then in the afternoon i found it sitting there and idk it just didnt look alright so i picked it up one of its eyes had a peice of food stuck in it so i got it out but he kept the eye shut a lot and i checked to see if he had pasty butt and it looked like he had a litle so i cleaned it but ever since this afternoon he has been just sitting around. i havent seen him eating really or drinking. dipped his beak a couple times to make sure he stays hydrated but im confused as to whether i should leave him with the rest of the chicks or take it out and separate it from the rest. i tried to put him in a box under the light but he just ended up getting out. do you think he sounds sick and i should separate him from the rest or should i leave him with the others?
I hope it is perkier this morning.
Good job Meanie!
I had a pair of homing pigeons with a 2-day-old squeak when it got so darn cold. I was worried if it would make it, but they did just fine : )
I figured she could keep them warm enough but I was worried if one of the chicks would wander out of the nest, they would freeze within minutes. So, they call baby pigeons, squeaks? I neber knew that but it is cute!
I have a couple of larger comb boys that got frostbitten combs and wattles. They refused to stay in the barn when the windchill was -25. Other than that, everyone made it through OK. How did everyone else make out?
I figured she could keep them warm enough but I was worried if one of the chicks would wander out of the nest, they would freeze within minutes. So, they call baby pigeons, squeaks? I never knew that but it is cute!
I have a couple of larger comb boys that got frostbitten combs and wattles. They refused to stay in the barn when the windchill was -25. Other than that, everyone made it through OK. How did everyone else make out?
Pigeons are TOUGH !!
If I had time to do them justice, I'd have some...more. We already have a wild flock that uses the upper portion of the goat barn's hay loft.

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