Naked Neck/Turken Thread

I think blu-kote would be a better idea. it will keep them also from pecking at him

a saddle might keep it moist and it might take longer to heal.

looks like he's doing pretty good.

Right at the end of the year my NN roo was visciously attacked and nearly killed by a pit bull. The severe part of the damage being done to his back. After making the decision not to put him down and praying he would pull through, he is doing very well as of today. Lots of TLC, good nutrition, daily flushing of the wound and antibiotics. The picture below is what the wound has healed to today. My question is, do you think if I put a chichen saddle over his wound it would be ok to put him back in with his girls? Any suggestions otherwise? Thanks.
It appears to be healing well. Covering it will deprive vital oxygen...I wouldn't cover it!
Yeah, Blue Kote is what I use if a chicken has a gash like that seems to work great and if other chickens try to peck at it they hate the taste plus it turns the wound blue not red, blood attracts chickens.
I was out digging in the garden w/ the chickens today, and Audra is definitely deciding to be a boy.
I have never had such a hard time sexing a chicken before. When he was about a week old I thought he was a boy b/c of the size and shape of the nostrils (a houdan thing) but when he didn't develop any of the boy traits his hatch mates did I figured he was a girl. The others have had red combs / saddle feathers / pointy head feathers for months now and have been crowing and mounting for about a month. He is just starting to get saddle feathers, and red comb/wattles, but still not mounting or crowing.

These two head shots were taken the same day, these are hatch mates, same exact age. See why I thought girl????

Again hatch mates taken on the same day.

I didn't get any shots of the offending feathers today but I will Sunday.,
Just wanted to check if anyone is in need of an NN roo. I have way too many and with them not wanting to go out in this weather, alot of fighting has been starting. I live in PA.
I had a silkie with a much bigger wound than this. I just got a needle and thread, sewed it up, wiped some tripple antibiotic on it once and put her in a screen bottom pen. with in a few days it was mostly healed. The thread came out on its own and within a few months I could not even find the scar. Chickens can survive some bad skin wounds if they survive the first few days they will likely be fine. Sewing it up will really speed up the recovery time.
Okay, I am hooked, I admit it...

We have a mixed breed hen (she is white with splashes/speckles of black and is half black orpington) who was covered by the sneaky little naked neck we had in the pen... he is not the dominant rooster, and he has a SWEET personality- but he's not a SQ type Naked Neck... he was going into the pot, but we hadn't gotten around to it yet, LOL... we'd never caught him covering a hen...

Ya know how we found out- two of the hen's chicks hatched out of the incubator with lovely lovely naked necks... just like him! hah! is black with a little white here and there, and one is black with some brown pencilling and bow tie color.

I will try to post pictures, but at 7 weeks old you can tell the darker is a hen and the lighter is a roo- he likes to go head to head with the giant rhodie-leghorn cross in there, who is a roo... but you know what? They're both very sweet birds, those naked necks... and I could really see breeding some for show. Mebbe.

Maybe just have them for our laying flock... I'm just kind of impressed. The right level of pluck and softness, I guess.

So... Hooked...

And no other breed had snagged me yet!
Hey everyone!

I was wondering if it is better for feathers to grow in slowly on NNs or not? Im just asking because in my black and barred rose comb NN project babies all of their feathers are growing in slowly.

Thanks a million :)

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