Naked Neck/Turken Thread


I guess that I never looked this far back into the NN thread. This is a nice looking NN. Any ideal how (breeding wise) how it was obtained?
I went out and took pictures of the flock today and thought I would share. These are the NN and NN X Production Red youngsters that I hatched out this spring. They are about 13 weeks old:





And their father Big Mo (he lost the points on his comb to frostbite last winter):
Every thing that I have ever crossed with a Production Red or a Red Sex Link has been as mean as a rattlesnake.

Im here now:
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Haha! They would not have turned out as nice as your reds!

It was a comment on how the hatcheries like to say their NN are mixed on purpose for color variety yet black and reds(light, like production reds)/buffs seem to be a huge majority. That has held so strongly over the years to the point I get surprised if any other color shows up.

As to the other question- I don't know what type of black are found in both breeds so my bare bones answer would be: either solid black or black with some color leakage mainly on hackles.

It's because there are two common and one less common "kinds" of blacks based on different genes. There is no single black gene that turns a chicken solid black.. one kind needs less helper genes to turn them solid black(this is the "E" black). One kind needs several more helper genes to turn them black(this is the "ER" aka birchen)... So a cross between those two different kind of blacks(E bred with ER) can result in birds that are lacking/not pure for all the "helper genes", resulting in some color leakage.

Lisa gave a nice chart on color of eggs to expect. Expect your cross pullets to lay green shades, a few might seem turquoish but green shades is the default expectation.

Pea crossed to single often gives a chewed bubblegum appearance, especially on roosters. Very common for them to flop over on roosters and large combed hens.
Thanks Kev, I kinda expected that to happen when you mix Black Australorps to Black Ameraucana as you said. I only ordered 5 Black Ameraucana chicks to try out for something new from a old school poultry judge/master breeder (the old wise man), now that I think about it, I have a smaller size coop/run for 4-5 birds so hoping outa the 5 chicks I get at least a trio of the Ameraucana and start breeding SoP for Black Ameraucana.

Kev, I have a old hatchery NN hen almost 5 years old that I kept and I put her with my heritage red NN and she goes broody 2 times a year and lays a egg almost everyday. She's that common dark buff color with black in her tail. She makes a great mother but she keeps laying eggs and wished she stopped cause she messing with my SoP fertile eggs as I'm only wanting to breed Red NN.
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I have 1 turken, and decided this year to get me some more pullets and 1 roo. I figured that way I can start breeding them here and selling the babies. I love the turkens, they are just so loveable. Also our silver had a pearly white moon when it was a baby. Nothing at all like being mooned by a turken.

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