Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Uuuhm... I have one Turken at home who has just SPROUTED. Her legs are ENOURMOUS, and her comb is a whopper. her body is also quite large (She is about 2-3 months.)... And when i Say Enormous legs, I mean think Cornish Cross Broiler legs. Mom was thinking it was a roo, but it acts nothing like one. You would think that if it was a Roo, at 3 months it would be trying to crow, because everyone else is clucking and 'honking'. or at least it would be acting roo-ish. but nope. I'm pretty sure its a hen (the others pulled the tail feathers out of it so I cant' tell by tail!)

It looks like a Dinosaur, so I dubbed it "Reptar." And of Course, Reptar is quite skittish, so she doesn't like her pic taken!! Next time I go home I'll be home for most of the summer, so then maybe Reptar can make her appearance without the wire in the way.
Peeking through the green chicken wire of our new cages, you can see Reptar. Somewhat. She's the one in the back. And the pale white leg is hers.

And of course, she gives me her butt, but you can see her legs, how huge they are in comparison with the black behind her, (which is going to my grandma.)
Uuuhm... I have one Turken at home who has just SPROUTED. Her legs are ENOURMOUS, and her comb is a whopper. her body is also quite large (She is about 2-3 months.)... And when i Say Enormous legs, I mean think Cornish Cross Broiler legs. Mom was thinking it was a roo, but it acts nothing like one. You would think that if it was a Roo, at 3 months it would be trying to crow, because everyone else is clucking and 'honking'. or at least it would be acting roo-ish. but nope. I'm pretty sure its a hen (the others pulled the tail feathers out of it so I cant' tell by tail!)

It looks like a Dinosaur, so I dubbed it "Reptar." And of Course, Reptar is quite skittish, so she doesn't like her pic taken!! Next time I go home I'll be home for most of the summer, so then maybe Reptar can make her appearance without the wire in the way.
Peeking through the green chicken wire of our new cages, you can see Reptar. Somewhat. She's the one in the back. And the pale white leg is hers.

course, she gives me her butt, but you can see her legs, how huge they are in comparison with the black behind her, (which is going to my grandma.)
Tough to tell from the pictures, but from your description your Mom may be correct
I was just wondering if anyone is going to post a NN thread on the Heritage/SoP forum section? In a way I was thinking about starting a new thread about heritage NN but I think it will get 1 post count per month and will make me feel embarrassed for posting it.

I'll support the thread if someone else makes it..
I was just wondering if anyone is going to post a NN thread on the Heritage/SoP forum section? In a way I was thinking about starting a new thread about heritage NN but I think it will get 1 post count per month and will make me feel embarrassed for posting it.

I'll support the thread if someone else makes it..
Feel stupid? Do you want ME to start it? It would be my pleasure. I wouldn't likely post often if at all until we get some issues out of the way at home, which might take a goodly while, but start it I will????? Just say the word!

Feel stupid? Do you want ME to start it? It would be my pleasure. I wouldn't likely post often if at all until we get some issues out of the way at home, which might take a goodly while, but start it I will????? Just say the word!

If you want me to be the overlord and take one for the team I'll do it. I don't feel stupid for having heritage NN, I just feel the thread won't go to far.. As we know NN are not top of the showing list in America.
If you want me to be the overlord and take one for the team I'll do it. I don't feel stupid for having heritage NN, I just feel the thread won't go to far.. As we know NN are not top of the showing list in America.
I started the PRODUCTION thread and felt certain it would die but it's taken on a life of it's own. You already have birds to show...You might consider starting it and I'll help 'drum up' a following. Certainly there are more folks out there who would like a challenge and would at least frequent the thread.

We will eventually get our sheit together and start our SOP program but I'm going to be out of the country for a while...for certain over a month and perhaps as many as three. Lots of things can change in a season! Oh, I won't be provocative on the thread in any way....promise!!!!!!

What makes a naked neck show quality?
Isn't a naked neck just due to a gene (or pair of genes) on any breed of chicken?
You need a solid red, buff, black, and white NN feathers. With yellow legs/shanks for red, white, and buff. Black shanks for black NN. No multicolor feather allowed, need to be standard weight. Plus other minor things.

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