Naked Neck/Turken Thread

I think it was a play on words since his butt is nekid and not feathered

Yeah that is why I put it that way. he has a naked butt. And everything else is naked to boot.
NN group seems to be doing good. Might try to take a few closeups of mine tomorrow. I had 5 jumping the pen today. Hope I can get moved soon, I dont want to move them up with the big ones on the roof but I donthave anymore materials to build another pen uunless I get lucky and find more scrap lumber. Want to get moved and build a nice coop.
I guess my mottled turken eggs had a rough trip. 2 out of 12 started to develop and both quit really early, though I left them in longer just in case. My home eggs are doing good and I am not trying a dry hatch this time.

Back to the eggs. I can't remember who asked to keep them updated on my experince so I will just share with everyone.

Eggs were packed in foam and arrived safely. They were suppose to be sent on a Monday, they didn't go out until Thursday or Friday, if I'm remembering correctly, I can look it up if someone wants to know 100% for sure. I was dissapointed with the fact I had to contact them to fi d out my order hadn't shipped but they were preparing for an important personal event so I understood. Then there were 2 eggs that were very dirty that I shouldn't have set, ironically the dirtiest was one of two that developed. One egg was also weirdly shaped, almost lumpy. I wanted the eggs for the amazingly beautiful colors of there NN so I wasn't to concerned with the 'look' of their eggs.

I haven't contacted them about the eggs, they were shipped and I knew what I was getting into. I might contact them about buying chicks. I will try to upload pictures from my phone...





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Is there a Naked Butt thread? Im gonna try to post his pic of Braum Stokers bottom. Pretty naked, no signs of bugs any clues as to why no growth? Chick was born around 3 24 14 all other areas doing fine. Uggh why do images never post for me? Its in my album if anyone can take a look. Hes not a naked neck just a naked butt. I got a NN doing the same but a bit more feathering. Also I got one whose feathers look like they are curling? When do frizzles frizzle? The chicks around 1 month old.

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