Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Thank you for the update @SlipsWife . Doesn't sound too promising so far. I'm sorry you lost all the eggs.

You all and your NN chicks!! I'm
over here! My jaw practically hits the floor every time you post new pics, Kass. Of Rudy, obviously (trying to sleep with his head tucked under his little bony wing!
I just can't handle the cute!), but all of them are drool-worthy.

@Lacey1988 His type looks good. Color is a little funky, but if you're not breeding for color, that won't matter. I'm starting a showgirl project myself! I have NNs to breed in if need be, but I've heard it takes many generations to get a good sg line started starting "from scratch" so I'm starting with some good quality silkies and showgirls. Took a blow last night when I lost my best quality silkie hen (and second favorite of all my 60+ chickens), though.
Good luck with your project!

Well I figured that I could worry about the color in the next generation. This is just the first step of many.
Also sorry for your loss.
What is the breed of the last roo posted, the black with reddish tinting? I got one of my chivks with similar markings and no clues to breeds. I hope I got a few females out of my 14 chickens. Only two are old enough and the one thst everyone said was a hen crowed. Waiting on the other to lay an egg or crow soon they are both 6 months old now. I hope I can build a few pens soon cause thry are jumping my boxes now and they wont stay small much longer. I get them rearing up and hackle feathers fluffing but hens do this too dont they? I was just a kid last time I was around chivkens this much and I got no one here that ive found with enough English to talk chickens with. My luck I got 14 roos! One of my NN is clucking now but they are only 2 months old. Hate not having enough info.
What is the breed of the last roo posted, the black with reddish tinting? I got one of my chivks with similar markings and no clues to breeds. I hope I got a few females out of my 14 chickens. Only two are old enough and the one thst everyone said was a hen crowed. Waiting on the other to lay an egg or crow soon they are both 6 months old now. I hope I can build a few pens soon cause thry are jumping my boxes now and they wont stay small much longer. I get them rearing up and hackle feathers fluffing but hens do this too dont they? I was just a kid last time I was around chivkens this much and I got no one here that ive found with enough English to talk chickens with. My luck I got 14 roos! One of my NN is clucking now but they are only 2 months old. Hate not having enough info.

Not so much a breed trait as having a particular "color gene" present. That bird most likely has a gene called Dominant White. Dominant White(DW) works best at 'preventing' black pigments from expressing on the feathers but it does not have very much effect on red pigments. Basically to get a pure white bird using DW need to breed a genetically solid black chicken.. DW will "convert" that solid black into a solid white chicken.

Now if you cross a black chicken with red or brown chickens, normally you get chicks that start out mostly black, but as they grow and feather out they will show varying amounts of brown/red. Generally roosters turn out blackish with red or brown neck, back, a patch on the wings, hens black with lacing on lower neck, breast.

Okay, now if you crossed either a DW based white chicken to a brown chicken, a very common result is birds like in that picture- although that particular bird is a male, usually white with red on the wing and backs with the tail and rest of body mostly white. Girls are sort of the reverse, mostly white back and wings with the brown/red mostly to the lower neck and breast. Same idea as above paragraph except the difference is DW is present.

As for common breeds that carry DW: white leghorns, red sex link layers by many different names- overseas ISA Browns is a common one. These red sex link layers are red bodied with white on neck and tail exactly due to DW- it changed those areas to white.. if they did not have it, they would be red and black, looking just like Rhode Island Reds.
What is the breed of the last roo posted, the black with reddish tinting? I got one of my chivks with similar markings and no clues to breeds. I hope I got a few females out of my 14 chickens. Only two are old enough and the one thst everyone said was a hen crowed. Waiting on the other to lay an egg or crow soon they are both 6 months old now. I hope I can build a few pens soon cause thry are jumping my boxes now and they wont stay small much longer. I get them rearing up and hackle feathers fluffing but hens do this too dont they? I was just a kid last time I was around chivkens this much and I got no one here that ive found with enough English to talk chickens with. My luck I got 14 roos! One of my NN is clucking now but they are only 2 months old. Hate not having enough info.

These are both girls, so yes they do it too, but not as much and mine usually stop that kind of behavior after onset of laying.
Thanks for the pic, mine are all working out their pecking order this week I guess since they were all bought within 2 weeks of each other they are close in size. A few are getting combs growing, tail feathers and I think saddle but my two oldest someone had cut all their feathers so even though they're almost 6 months I cant judge by feathers much. I have a few with very distinctive markings and I love my various colors. Im hoping to keep all of them as long as thry get along since room and pens will be an issue til I get my own place. If my mil saw my balcony she eould freak! Straw, sand and chicks. But my chicks are clean, fed properly and given proper meds. And mine come running when you call them and sit on my lap.
Have 2 broody hens now. 1st is a hatchery golden laced Wyandotte and the other is a old hatchery buff color Naked Neck. Both have experience being mothers and sit real nice.. Set both red NN and BA eggs under both hens.

I had a big Australorp hen who was broody 1st time and she would not leave her nest for 3-4 days, but once she did leave to poop/eat/drink she was dumb and would not go back into the nest and we had pick her up an manually put her back into the nest...
Soon I said forget it then throw her back into the pen. The only thing I say good about hatchery birds is there smart broody hens.
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As soon as my chicks settle down a bit. I will get some picks of them all. Looks like I will be having 4 blacks, cockerel is going to be white by the looks. However he is acting like he may not make it. So if he doesn't I will get after cackle. I need the cockerel for breeding. A few are striped maybe red??? I saw only 1 black pullet with black feet and legs, so maybe I will have one that will finally have the black legs. Turkens legs are yellow, but her feet are silver looking, her beak is silver as well. Only one of these seemed to have black on it's beak.
Baby pics, and they enjoy throwing food every wheres. However the NN's were far easier to find the food and water, the BO's and Dealawares, had a hard time finding it I have them in separate brooders, yet next to each other.

All of the NN's.

Bow tie baby

This one has spots. We have one that will be white but has black on wings like a Delaware.

And a chipmunk pullet.
Baby pics, and they enjoy throwing food every wheres. However the NN's were far easier to find the food and water, the BO's and Dealawares, had a hard time finding it I have them in separate brooders, yet next to each other.

All of the NN's.

Bow tie baby

This one has spots. We have one that will be white but has black on wings like a Delaware.

And a chipmunk pullet.
The chick feather patterning isn't the same as the adult feather patterning.

They are cute.

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