Naked Neck/Turken Thread

I am pretty sure its a roo but in this pic it does look like a pullet. Its great grand father was a split shamo/NN and grand mother a JG. FM was added with grand mother. It is not as dark as I hoped and will need another 8 months to get his final grade. It only has 2 feathers on its neck and I pluck them so it nice and NN! Still lots of variation in the babys in all areas. Right now FM is the most important trait.
I am pretty sure its a roo but in this pic it does look like a pullet. Its great grand father was a split shamo/NN and grand mother a JG. FM was added with grand mother. It is not as dark as I hoped and will need another 8 months to get his final grade. It only has 2 feathers on its neck and I pluck them so it nice and NN! Still lots of variation in the babys in all areas. Right now FM is the most important trait.
Wow, so he has some serious big bird DNA in his make-up... well it is a good looking bird.
I am pretty sure its a roo but in this pic it does look like a pullet. Its great grand father was a split shamo/NN and grand mother a JG. FM was added with grand mother. It is not as dark as I hoped and will need another 8 months to get his final grade. It only has 2 feathers on its neck and I pluck them so it nice and NN! Still lots of variation in the babys in all areas. Right now FM is the most important trait.
Just curious...why would you pluck the feathers? Won't they grow back?

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