Naked Neck/Turken Thread

What a precious little baby! If it's a little cockerel you can always use him in your breeding program.
I'd love to keep him, but he doesn't quite fit in with what I was breeding for. I'm hoping to get a nice rooster out of my marans chicks. However, if I don't get one I could definitely keep this little guy. Still hoping he's a pullet though. Too early to tell at only 8 days! He is getting the darker coloring of a Wheaten cockerel, but his mom is a black and silver EE/Turken cross, so he could be getting the darker color from her.

How early can you typically tell the sex of a Turken? Also, do they feather out more slowly than other breeds?
This is dad...aka RON Beloved by many, especially family and friends and many on this site appreciate his sharp mind and...tongue. The tongue might be just be a bit too sharp on occasion but that's a family trait. I wouldn't change anything about him.
rabid cat-bun. I guess the cat's out of the bag, now? Did you guys ever bring him back home...
Last week a possum killed my big naked neck rooster. He lives on though in his babies.

So here is Leroy Jr. and Peaches.

R.I.P Leroy
That must set your nerves rambling a bit..

We all been in that path, my Black Australorp roo has horrific fertile rate and I only got 4 chicks from 3 broody hens and now I'm down to 1 BA chick cause hawks ate the other 3, now there caged inside and no more free range. Most of eggs turn rotten from him cause he's a part time mater. My red NN is good mater though.
How early can you typically tell the sex of a Turken?  Also, do they feather out more slowly than other breeds?

Before mine hit 3 weeks of age I could tell the difference between the pullets & the cockerels. The cockerels will develop their wattles & pronounced comb by then. Seems like the NNs (mine anyway) mature faster than my other breeds (Golden Marans, Polish, English Orps, Ameraucanas & EEs). You'll be finding out soon enough. I'll be crossing my fingers & toes for you that it's a pullet!
What color is this turken and I am I right that she is a pullet?



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