Naked Neck/Turken Thread

So far one wing has feathered in completely white, and the other is almost all white with two black feathers coming in. It's really cute for sure.

Yeah sounds cute! btw have read somewhere that DW interferes with skin pigmentation.. however have seen the occasional obviously mixed DW and fibro with nicely dark skin. But am struggling to recall any breed or color standard using DW plus blue or green legs, hmm.
Oh no I didn't intend to breed out green egglaying, I thought I had lost it through the big massacre

Yeah, I knew that was what you were saying about the losing the green eggs.

I guess I didn't convey my meaning too well. I just meant that when you think it is lost, but wanted it, then when those genes lined up just right you get it back. Yea for the right genes.

Good news I've added quite a few new NN babies as well as a few more GENN babies as well. I wait a few days and try to get better pics. Mean time here's a few:
11 hatched 10 lived number 11 was a late hatcher ( had to help out) and very weak.

Do 10 more NN's added from the New Years Day Hatch A Long.

Last years NYDHAL hen was one of the Mommas for some of this years HAL.
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