Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Beautiful! My nn/ee is feathering slower than my other nn and the rest. Especially up around the "shoulders".
Maybe it is because they'll be really big birds?!
<-- That's not because I'm gonna eat them but because I like large birds
Im SOOOOO happy!! WQhen i got home yesterday from vacation there was another NN chick in the bator!

That's awesome! Congratulations!

I think my hatch is now over. Out of 16 eggs, 11 hatched. I've left the 5 remaining in the incubator, but it's been two days of zero activity so I'll be removing them tomorrow morning if something doesn't happen today. I was shocked to discover that three of my chicks have feathered shanks, and one of those has a fully feathered neck. At least I know he's homozygous...and I guess the variety can give me some phenotypes to play with once they're old enough to breed.

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