Naked Neck/Turken Thread

this is one of my 3 roos

A very old breed and a large chicken. Very rare unless if you live in the North East one rooster can sell for around $2000 fully grown. I had most of my flock stolen after having people come in and look at them, so now we have a huge fence and 3 guard dogs for people to go through to get to them. That is what my rooster is in my picture he is pure legacy. Our youngest Cockerel is mostly red which I really don't want, however he has the black toe nails, and the smaller rose comb even smaller then his dads. Stormy weighs in at 28 pounds, that is about as big as I want any of them to get. Yellow to white eyelids, Black toenails, Yellow to white ear lobes, rose combs, and all girls have leopard spots on them or the partridge pattern. Their life span is way past most chickens, I believe it's due to the size. Many of them reach over 15 years old and still lay eggs daily.

This is Stormy from last spring:

His son I have in a video and he is just barely 4 months old and already as big as the NN's. Since stormy shed his tail and grew his new one it is now longer. Last spring we measured it and it was 3 1/2 feet long. Come spring this year he gets weighed in and measured again. Stormy size wise is what we want however he does not have all black toe nails. He has mostly yellow toe nails which doesn't make him the best quality. But he has passed the black toenails off to his sons and daughters.

I think you need to post more pics of this bird, it may be a good sized bird but I have a hard time believing this it is this big. This pic looks like it is a forced perspective photo.
I am planning on getting a video of him, later on once his fluff is gone from him he has so much off it that it makes him look like a pig.
I think you need to post more pics of this bird, it may be a good sized bird but I have a hard time believing this it is this big. This pic looks like it is a forced perspective photo.
I am planning on getting a video of him, later on once his fluff is gone from him, he has so much off it that it makes him look like a pig. He is really fat right now with all the under feathers, and that makes him look even more huge so it is always best to take photos in March when most of that is gone. I don't want folks thinking he is bigger then he is but he is wider at this point with all the under feathers. And the photo was taken by my daughter. She snapped it then did some of him in his old cage, his head touches the top of it, and he couldn't be taken to any of the local shows because it was so uncomfortable for him in there. We are now building a new cage for him, for this year.
thanks... I'm from Europe, Slovenia... my NN are not pure, they are cross between NN and italian breed (they are light weight, white eggshell and white earlobe). We have some predators like fox and hawk, but the garden is fenced, we have a guard dog and only let the rabbit out when we are at home...
Rabbit! That's the magic word. We are over run with the critters and must begin preparing a bunch of them for the freezer.

Mercifully, my daughter is here and she learned to deal deftly within the confines of the abattoir. Her small hands with 'piano player' fingers makes her a natural.

I know, I topic but it's good news for me. She has no problem 'offing' the bunnies that are bred and designated for food but she would have to be starving before she harmed a hair on one of the pure bred NZ whites or Florida Whites.

THAT IS ALL ............FOR NOW!!!
My buff naked neck got best off breed at Stock Show, although she is rose comb

Congtats! It would be very hard to get the standard changed..( Or...maybe not)...There might not be enough people who really care either way...lolol

I would at least have a rose comb class because I have become enamored with rose and pea combs.

It would take folks with a lot of dedication and time...and folks would come out of the woodwork with

heart-felt complaints.

Might be just a battle worth

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