Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Weasel, and no, it won't, the last rooster standing either killed it or kept it busy till it died - one of the roosters, I suspect my oldest, got a lucky shot and put a spur right through its side and it bled out. Unfortunately I lost Bre last night as well, no idea what happened there, just found him dead in the coop when I closed up shop for the night, sigh. No visible wounds, all other birds fine. At least I have a bunch of his offspring to remember him by, and it looks like almost all are pullets.
I gave away my big dominant rooster and kept my little sweet bantam rooster and 2 weeks later a hawk sneaks up and kills my frizzle. I wish i woulda had the big rooster still to have been of some sort of help.
Here's my girls i just did a little photo shoot.

They're all gorgeous but that white frizzle NN puts a grin on my face every time I see it.
I waited so long to find her! I kept seeing them pop up and knew i had to have one. This is actually one of GeorgiaBoy's experiments. She is a little small but the flock is being relatively gentle letting her into their ranks. Hopefully a few more weeks and she will have enough size to hold her own even better.
I wish you all were closer. I am almost ready to rehome my mammoth Turken Rooster. I will have some Turken babies from my Marans hen by the end of the month and I don't need the rooster after that. Hopefully I can find him a good home on the west coast.
Weasel, and no, it won't, the last rooster standing either killed it or kept it busy till it died - one of the roosters, I suspect my oldest, got a lucky shot and put a spur right through its side and it bled out. Unfortunately I lost Bre last night as well, no idea what happened there, just found him dead in the coop when I closed up shop for the night, sigh. No visible wounds, all other birds fine. At least I have a bunch of his offspring to remember him by, and it looks like almost all are pullets.

That's phenomenal...a cock being tough or lucky enough to kill a weasel, in the midst of attack.
I wish you all were closer. I am almost ready to rehome my mammoth Turken Rooster. I will have some Turken babies from my Marans hen by the end of the month and I don't need the rooster after that. Hopefully I can find him a good home on the west coast.

It seems big NN are popular right now.. posted ad and sold out in 2 days with orders for chicks already...

Should find a home for yours as he's big n handsome..
Thanks Kev.

I sold some of my chicks right when they hatched, but now there seems to be a slump in purchases. I have 3 left, two of which I think are cockerels. I'm going to put more eggs in the incubator this weekend in order to have some chicks to sell for Easter. Now I'm competing with all the feed stores who are getting chicks in by the hundreds. Hopefully I don't end up with 40 chicks I can't sell. LOL Fortunately there is only one local place that sells turkens, and they don't have very many. All of mine will be olive eggers or EEs, plus the Legbar crosses will be crested!!!!
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It does seem that interest comes in pulses. Stretches of nothing, then stretches of them flying off the coop roosts and torrents of contacts asking for some, eventually cooling down.... then maybe there will be just one response but that person buys all of them plus some more.

That goes for everything I've had in the past- peafowl, guineas, turkeys and various cage birds.
Sorry I didn't see the question on pinioning Kev, but the answer was correct. It is not like taking the hand more like a finger. You cut laterally from the outermost joint, your basically cutting off the final part of the wing on one side, the part that would grow the flight feathers.

I live in town IF I get ducks they will have to be pinioned. Done young they have a very, very low mortality, but hellbender you are right they won't have as much protection from preditors.


My mallards and muscovies hybridized while I was stuck in the city for 2 years on a city sized lot, ugh. The offspring were interesting looking birds with nice big broad wings. It was pretty cool to see them take practice flights in circles above the house-their skinny mallard bodies and long necks with ridiculously big wings were a strange sight up in the sky. Didn't think much as I was used to ducks and some geese doing sky laps and always landing back home. Then one day they all flew off off a sudden... the year after they were not allowed to hatch babies.

Moved out to 2 acres in the country, yay! Fenced perimeter fully with 6 foot chainlink. Free range, fully feathered birds yay! Couple years later, a single bobcat comes by and wipes out the muscovies and geese in one night...... none were pinioned.

Sometimes it sure feels like you just can't win! :(
I am waiting to get mine until I get a broody chicken. I plan to raise them w/ the chickens, so hopefully they will self identify as chickens who like water?

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