Naked Neck/Turken Thread

She's regular size... not bantam, not large fowl. No feathered feet..

Those are weeds that get really big, 3 feet tall normally but get to 4 feet easily during a wet winter. Horrible plant, but let it grow in the empty pen(used to be peafowl pens but sold all of them). Out here, fall- spring is the local landscape's growing season. Rest of the year it's extremely dry and very hot. Already 80 degrees F now. (27degreesC)

HA...I was going to comment on the weeds. I have not seen those weeds since I left CA. They have those flat circle seeds!

You half plucked him????

You half plucked him????


What???????? That's just cruel! I would NeVeRRRRRR do thattttttttttt!!!!!1111!!!

NO no no no!

What I did was use Nair. Kinder, gentler but the bottle only had enough to fill a small bowl... so I had to lay him down on one side in the bowl half filled with it.... but he escaped and ran off before I could flip him to complete the beauty job.

Please do try better not to fly off and make such horrible horrible accusations mmmkay?? Not my fault Costco doesn't have Nair in bulk! Geeeeeezzzzzzz.....................

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HA...I was going to comment on the weeds. I have not seen those weeds since I left CA. They have those flat circle seeds!

Haha yeah! They really can do a number on lawnmowers- their stems are so fibrous. Weedkillers don't have much effect on them either... To be honest, I've been struggling a little bit on trying to control the weeds since I no longer have ridiculous numbers of free range chickens mowing them down.. and in the area it is required to keep the entire yard free of weeds or you get a fire hazard ticket. And they give these out like candy, sheesh!
Her eyes look black are they?? i have 2 brown NN chickens, and both have coal black eyes. Not sure if the black eyes are a normal NN thing or not but they sure are pretty to look at when they have them.

Oh wow a little unusual for brown chickens to have black eyes.. most of the time they are on black/blue feather chickens. The gene that makes black feathers on chickens also 'likes' to put black pigments on the legs and darken the eyes on some birds.

Eye color genetics is not well known for the most part.. doesn't have anything to do with NN.. the hen in picture does have black eyes however if I remember right, her full sister has yellow eyes. She also has the gypsy face(black on face) which makes the light color really stand out. I should try taking a picture if her eyes really are yellow..
Oh wow a little unusual for brown chickens to have black eyes.. most of the time they are on black/blue feather chickens. The gene that makes black feathers on chickens also 'likes' to put black pigments on the legs and darken the eyes on some birds.

Eye color genetics is not well known for the most part.. doesn't have anything to do with NN.. the hen in picture does have black eyes however if I remember right, her full sister has yellow eyes. She also has the gypsy face(black on face) which makes the light color really stand out. I should try taking a picture if her eyes really are yellow..

My 2 brown girls were the first time I had ever seen the black eyes. Then when I saw yours it was like maybe it's a NN thing. None of my black NN's had the black eyes, and all the rest off mine have either amber, yellow or even green. My green eyed girl wont let anyone touch her. I told her the eyes make her wild.
She is my only hen that is 100% wild, and will not tolerate being touched. Even hard to get her to roost at night with the rest of them. Thanks for the explanation about the eeyes. I realy don't know where it came from but they have them, and it sure is pretty.
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My chicks are now 17 days old and I have not had any interested in anyone buying them.
So sad. The little boys are already starting to get large combs. It is tough in these parts since there is so much competition with feed stores this time of year that sell "pullets". However, no one has Turkens...just me!

Maybe I'll have more luck in May selling started pullets. Once they are off the heat lamp people will hopefully snatch them up. I didn't really want to keep the chicks in the house that long, but I have no other option. LOL They sure a cute though...just wish I could sell about half of them.
Nobody alround me has turken n I had to drive 6 hours to get my pair n the lady only had 1 pair she didn't raise them wish I could find more I love them

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