Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Ughh ..... sighhhh
, Rescued 3 /NN Pullets @ local Auction this weekend,

Why do some People starve, " under Feed " Bones and Feathers. my best Guess is 3 months old, 2 with

feathers say Female ( round ) no idea on Buff Silkey/Showgirl

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Ughh ..... sighhhh
, Rescued 3 /NN Pullets @ local Auction this weekend, Why do some People starve, " under Feed " Bones and Feathers. my best Guess is 3 months old, 2 with feathers say Female ( round ) no idea on Buff Silkey/Showgirl
They are such a sweethearts! I understand why are you angry. Those two are girls, but I don't know about showgirl. I was never good at sexing silkies and showgirls.
That is a pretty little SG..and yes, it takes a while before you can know .. for sure..about those stinkers what sex. I can take an uneducated guess by how I do it at home. See how the top is feathering back, and not foreward? And that comb is quite wide? At this point...I would guess boy.

Good for you for taking them in! They will be much happier. For sure.
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Ughh ..... sighhhh
, Rescued 3 /NN Pullets @ local Auction this weekend,

Why do some People starve, " under Feed " Bones and Feathers. my best Guess is 3 months old, 2 with

feathers say Female ( round ) no idea on Buff Silkey/Showgirl

Those little babies are so lucky you found them! How adorable! I have a neighbor who underfeeds his chickens and then can never understand why they look so skinny and don't lay well. He thinks that "free ranging" in their all dirt run should be sufficient to reach their nutritional requirements. I took care of his chickens for two weeks and he was stunned by how healthy and lively they were when he returned, and all I did was supplement their feed with extra produce from my garden and some grubs and grasshoppers I'd caught.
A lady came over today to pick up her chicks. She said, "Oh you have Turkens! I want some!" I hatched 7 yesterday, but I'm keeping them all. They are bigger and way cuter than my last batch. I didn't think that was possible.
Good to know : wonder if it's the Same for Mix breeds ? I'm undecided on my wish sex ....... " Pullet or Cockerel " as I have an Buff Silkie, Cockerel

that's trying his best to get the Job done.
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Ughh ..... sighhhh
, Rescued 3 /NN Pullets @ local Auction this weekend, Why do some People starve, " under Feed " Bones and Feathers. my best Guess is 3 months old, 2 with feathers say Female ( round ) no idea on Buff Silkey/Showgirl
Need to be sure that they are not also underweight due to disease (coccidia/worms). Also they may be older than 3 months.
Phage, I'm T O T A L Y agree, Caution is best.. . . . how can I tell age ?

I always treat New ones for worms . . and Flock as needed. Once they get Healthy, Fatter, Yeppers they're In 30 /30 Quarantine. Inside now, "Sick Room "
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Local in Town, CC, starts 10 and 11am.... Nice Vet owned, .... Family friendly Just too Crowed, Cramped, Never enough Seats, a Third are Reserved. " have Names on them " Stadium Seats would be nice,
IF anyone goes, Give it 2 hr B4 so U can Park.

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