Naked Neck/Turken Thread

So today I went out and thought I could take some pics to show you guys my one and only turken




On one of the pictures you can see my latest project- headless chicken.

She looks like a nice sized hen. Red us my favorite color next to tge calico ones that I have. They are bred from the Aloha chickens. But I need red for the spots to come in good
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At what age should a turken rooster be culled? I have a 13 week old that is smaller than the one I want to keep. He is getting picked on by the other rooster same age. Could this "competition" cause the bigger guy to turn mean and pick on the hens (same age)?
The futility of a "dual purpose" chicken was brought home to me tonight when I got my first eggs from my banty pullets - 23gm and 30gm from a pullet less than 1.5lb and less than 2lbs. My Label Rouge hens are 7 - 9 lbs and are still inconsistently laying pullet eggs (often only 40-45gm) a couple weeks after starting. My favorite consistent layers (thru last winter with no lights too) are just 3.5-4.5 lbs and lay nice large 60-65gm eggs. Much less food for much better egg production.
If the NNs lay decently and produce a decent meat chicken (for my conditions) when crossed with a LR rooster, then they'll be worth keeping around. I like them so I'll keep them anyway but just thinking in practical terms. :)
She looks like a nice sized hen. Red us my favorite color next to tge calico ones that I have. They are bred from the Aloha chickens. But I need red for the spots to come in good

Thanks! She is bigger then production reds. She is my smallest hen and is on the bottom of the pecking order. I actually don't like her color or her body tipe. She is also very skittish and flighty. Only two things I like about her is realy small comb and of course the fact that she is Nn.

I actually only like any kind of silver pencilled or duckwing, white, white columbian, lavendar and dark partridge chickens. I like cochin/wyandotte tipe and don't like feathered legs. I love beards and muffs. Oh, and fm just like the scaleless

But of course, there are exceptions!
Now I have to take back what I said about the Label Rouge hens. Out of 5 eggs so far today, only one is small (38gm). Two are L-XL and two are jumbo (80 and 84gm). Hope their reproductive systems settle down soon. I guess I shouldn't complain that such large hens are laying in the middle of summer.
Now I'm just waiting for the NNs so I can try hatching some crosses.
@Desert chic - you liked the taste of the Biel better then the NN? I might have to wait a bit but I could get one of those locally so depending on how this cross does I could look into that.
Now I have to take back what I said about the Label Rouge hens. Out of 5 eggs so far today, only one is small (38gm). Two are L-XL and two are jumbo (80 and 84gm). Hope their reproductive systems settle down soon. I guess I shouldn't complain that such large hens are laying in the middle of summer.
Now I'm just waiting for the NNs so I can try hatching some crosses.
Desert chic - you liked the taste of the Biel better then the NN? I might have to wait a bit but I could get one of those locally so depending on how this cross does I could look into that.

I liked the skin on the NN much better as it crisped up beautifully, but I did like the flavoring of the Biel slightly more. It was pretty darn close I'm thinking a cross of the two would be darn near perfect.
I also have to wonder if the timing of the culls had something to do with the difference in flavoring. I culled the NNs a couple months back when there wasn't much to forage here. (I live in the AZ desert. Not much green.) The Biels have had the advantage of all the nut grass that grows here during monsoon season along with a variety of wild flowers and lots of crickets and grasshoppers. No comparison on the skin, though. The NNs won that hands down.

I also keep looking at Bresse as a possible cross with NNs. I'm not sure if the white feathering in the Bresse is dominant, but if it were, some white feathered naked necked Bresse crosses could prove mighty tasty.
I liked the skin on the NN much better as it crisped up beautifully, but I did like the flavoring of the Biel slightly more. It was pretty darn close I'm thinking a cross of the two would be darn near perfect.
I also have to wonder if the timing of the culls had something to do with the difference in flavoring. I culled the NNs a couple months back when there wasn't much to forage here. (I live in the AZ desert. Not much green.) The Biels have had the advantage of all the nut grass that grows here during monsoon season along with a variety of wild flowers and lots of crickets and grasshoppers. No comparison on the skin, though. The NNs won that hands down.

I also keep looking at Bresse as a possible cross with NNs. I'm not sure if the white feathering in the Bresse is dominant, but if it were, some white feathered naked necked Bresse crosses could prove mighty tasty.

I know I'm not your son (or husband) but you had better watch that math...
I do have the grandest idea....CAPONS!!!
No hurry to dispatch them and they can clean up on those desert goodies for all they're worth.....lololol
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Now I have to take back what I said about the Label Rouge hens. Out of 5 eggs so far today, only one is small (38gm). Two are L-XL and two are jumbo (80 and 84gm). Hope their reproductive systems settle down soon. I guess I shouldn't complain that such large hens are laying in the middle of summer.
Now I'm just waiting for the NNs so I can try hatching some crosses.
Desert chic - you liked the taste of the Biel better then the NN? I might have to wait a bit but I could get one of those locally so depending on how this cross does I could look into that.

Please keep updates on their egg sizes?

The freedom rangers laid so small eggs when they were pullets. As hens, their eggs are okay size- have not weighed them so I don't have numbers.... I like good egg sizes too.

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