Naked Neck/Turken Thread

It gets even better. Not only is she a naked neck. Not only is she frizzled. Not only does she have a mohawk. Not only is she 8-10 pounds. She also lays blue/green eggs.

It gets even better. Not only is she a naked neck. Not only is she frizzled. Not only does she have a mohawk. Not only is she 8-10 pounds. She also lays blue/green eggs.



- Ant Farm

Hope this pic works! This is ziggy - she is just 5 months old and this is what I woke to this morning! The others had started pecking at her but this is!!!!!
PLEASE HELP US!!! I read hear almost every day but do not post much. But I know a lot of you read this thread. Is there something I can do for this Pullet?





I was looking for advice about the very same problem - I thought my girl was bad but oh my goodness! If yours can heal mine can too!
One time I had a cockerel that tried to kill his brother and nearly pecked off the top of his head. Once the blood dried and the scab was no longer red, the other chickens left him alone. He made a full recovery (just to be eaten by a coyote later
). The mean cockerel had to go is too short to keep one like that around.

Hope this pic works! This is ziggy - she is just 5 months old and this is what I woke to this morning! The others had started pecking at her but this is!!!!!

I think that very first aid would be to separate her from rest of your flock. Only that way you will be 100% sure that nobody pecks her.
Don't know anything about treating the wound, but I think it may even heal by itself.

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