Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Here is my handsome little boy, his name is Whiskey and I love him SOOO much. Biggest sweet heart. Anyone have any idea on his breed? I've never seen a Turken with a comb like this before.

Here is my handsome little boy, his name is Whiskey and I love him SOOO much. Biggest sweet heart. Anyone have any idea on his breed? I've never seen a Turken with a comb like this before.

Not sure of what is the genetic make-up of the bird but it might likely be a pea or rose comb. We have several like that here now and expect several rose combed and pea combed Naked Neck chicks around in the spring.
I went out to look at one of my frizzled NNs (a silkie mix)

I found this white tipped feather near her back.

So, you're thinking if I mate her with my SF roo I might could get some fun colored chicks?
@ Flowerbr I agree with you on the possibility of needing to learn Spanish if you are young. All of south, central, most of the Caribbean and of course Spain.Since The Philippines were colonized by both Spain and American many people are trilingual. Chicago, Both coastal seaboards are home to many bilingual Latinos. I studied the language so I could develop a rapport and to understand my patients.

English is the international language of commerce after all the banking industry run on the Dollar Standard in stead of the Gold Standard. The Rothschild's own more gold than the entire world does.

I needed to correct spelling of Philippines and that the language of Spain was the official language for three centuries.
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I remembered something that happened 4 years ago and I need your opinion and help.
In this time of a year something started eating my chickens while they were nesting. Not at the evening or dusk or morning but right in the middleof the day. It didn't kill chickens it just started to eat them right behind wing always at the same spot. First day I went out to check for eggs and there were two of them dead in the nesting boxes and three more that were blody under the wing and another one with hole on that spot but still alive. Another day I found another hen dead. Then few weeks later I found half of the hen al eaten even feathers and all of her inside exept stomach. It left stomach alone. Everything else from the insiide of her was eaten. My question is obivously what could that be? Also why chickens didn't react on something that was eating them alive and why didn't rooster or other hen at least give us sign that something wrong was going on. I'm afraid that it could come back.
it may be the rat? Or weasel, but they tend just to wring the neck and drink the blood. Weasels are too small to dragged the hen away... Place the rat trap somewhere near the chicken coop and wait, maybe something will be caught

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