Naked Neck/Turken Thread

I'm hoping she shows up in three weeks with a bunch of chicks for you. I had a similar episode and thought a hawk must have got her. One night while putting chickens in I was walking back to house and here the cluck cluck cluck of a broody calling her chicks. I thought I don't have a broody and turned around to see her and 11 chicks

I hope that is how it turns out

That is some serious cuteness there.
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beautiful birds! what are they, breeds or mutts? it seems they like to eat like my chickens.

Mutts, and the small ones you can see were bought last year. Not happy with them at all. Not big, not good layers and eggs are small and they are very flighty. But they do like to eat. Actually they are not that active so I guess that is one big factor.
I hope that is how it turns out

That is some serious cuteness there.

:fl. X2

Thanks the hen gave all kinds of photo opts.

I had to butcher my muscovie drakes
I tried to sell them but people offered 10 EUR instead of 25. their food cost me over 15 each for 6+ months so I was not going to feed unknown people on my expenses. rehoming here means you give them to someone who will eat them so that was not the option.

for how long should I cook bones in press cooker before I can mince them? I don't want to destroy my mincer machine.
I had to butcher my muscovie drakes:hit I tried to sell them but people offered 10 EUR instead of 25. their food cost me over 15 each for 6+ months so I was not going to feed unknown people on my expenses. rehoming here means you give them to someone who will eat them so that was not the option.

for how long should I cook bones in press cooker before I can mince them? I don't want to destroy my mincer machine.

Not sure how long, or even if you can really. Why are you mincing bones?
I had to butcher my muscovie drakes:hit I tried to sell them but people offered 10 EUR instead of 25. their food cost me over 15 each for 6+ months so I was not going to feed unknown people on my expenses. rehoming here means you give them to someone who will eat them so that was not the option.

for how long should I cook bones in press cooker before I can mince them? I don't want to destroy my mincer machine.

I'm trying the same thing. I cook till they are soft enough to to break apart with a fork easily use the larger bone for testing. I think the article mentioned using vinegar to help break down bones. This hasn't been nesecary but it might speed up the time it needs

I don't mince the soft bones the chickens eat it all up. I do mix dry food into soup to absorb it. Mixing this in a five gallon bucket.

This process is done in my shop with an electric pressure cooker. The wife won't allow me the cooktop space. :lau

It is time consuming as well as using electricity so jury is still out on this.

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