Naked Neck/Turken Thread

HI Kassandra, As I understand it if humidity is too high during incubation the chick is too wet and can drown during/after pipping.

However, if it is too low during incubation there is not enough fluid around the chick to allow it to easily rotate just prior to hatching, and the inner membrane is applied to the chick. If after pipping this membrane dries out then the chick really can't move and becomes shrink wrapped.

If all your chicks are becoming shrink wrapped then maybe they need a little more humidity during incubation to prevent excessive water evaporation. That may explain why you get so many shrink wrapped chicks.

3 crele oegb 3 blue grey 1 white oegb 4 blue rc the other 2 white ones are large fowl
Shrink wrapping is normally caused from low humidity during hatching, but it could also happen if the humidity is too low during incubation and the egg will just dry out too much. I've tried a dry hatch and was the worst hatch rate I've ever had. The chicks were so dried out they could not turn to pip.

My best luck is keeping the incubator at 40 - 45% up to day 18 and then cranking the humidity up to 65% or more for the last 3 days. Buying a new hygrometer might also help since some aren't accurate.

It rains a lot here, so you wouldn't think I'd have a low humidity problem in the incubator. Regardless of what is going on outside, I have to put water in the incubator every couple of days to keep the humidity up. Otherwise it gets down to 20% and that is bad news for the eggs.

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