Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Good looking rooster, [COLOR=333333]lolaschickens.  [/COLOR]It is difficult to have patience with immature males. They do get better with time after a frustrating period while the older hens break the kid in.  Hope the best for a new home.

A little while ago I read about loss of feathers due to excessive matting.  I have a few saddles that have not been used and would send them to anyone who wants them in exchange for postage.  Use PM if interested.

Thank you! I've read that they calm down but I'm scared he won't, in your experience around what age do they start to calm? That is so nice of you to offer the saddles for the hens! I really appreciate that, unfortunately he's ripping feathers out of their necks though :/ their backs are still looking ok. I've tried putting some stuff on their neck but didn't work, so I have him separated from the hens now and he's not very happy about it
Wow! He could be the twin brother of my cockerel, Pepper! I really hope you can find a new home for him. He's such a beautiful, elegant bird.
Wow he does look a lot like Pepper haha, where did you get Pepper from? I got my rooster (I named him Eastwood) from Murray mcmurray hatchery. I hope I find a place for him too, it's really hard for me to get rid of him
Thank you! I've read that they calm down but I'm scared he won't, in your experience around what age do they start to calm? That is so nice of you to offer the saddles for the hens! I really appreciate that, unfortunately he's ripping feathers out of their necks though
their backs are still looking ok. I've tried putting some stuff on their neck but didn't work, so I have him separated from the hens now and he's not very happy about it
Each bird is different but it does take over one year in my experience. According to most posts, cocks are not really mature until close to or at two years of age.

The hens neck will heal and it does thicken as they grow.
Now for pictures for this thread. Today I done a leg and check for the ones that are banded. So I also tried making a decision on the sex. These are my best guesses on the cockerels.


These two are pea combed out of two hens sisters, that are 1/4 EE.


By the Cinnamon NN rooster out of I believes White NN hen. It looks like maybe he'll be another COLUMBIAN colored, or maybe a CINNAMON.


These two fellows are by the Cinnamon rooster out of one of my Blue Red NN hen. I think they'll both turn out to be Blue Red.
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Wow he does look a lot like Pepper haha, where did you get Pepper from? I got my rooster (I named him Eastwood) from Murray mcmurray hatchery. I hope I find a place for him too, it's really hard for me to get rid of him

I actually bred my here at home. He's a cross between my former buff NN and one of my Australorps.

Have you considered keeping him separated from the girls for a while to let him mature a bit (and give them a break to heal) before allowing him to mingle with them again? I had one cockerels that practically ripped my girls to shreds, but after about 2 months in a separate pen he turned into quite the Casanova and the girls fell in love with him.
You know, I don't have a LOT of experience to go by, but my two boys that are so good and solicitous with their girls BOTH had a pretty long period where they essentially needed to "woo" the girls from afar/another paddock. Enough so that I think that's what I'll try doing with any potential future flock leader. Maybe it teaches them not to take it for granted and who's REALLY boss.

- Ant Farm
Here are some pullets (maybe).




All above photos are from my Cinnamon rooster over a Red NN hen ( she is actually from my Aloha hatch, but didn't get any mottling). It is looking like there may be a chick or two that is getting a mottled look to them. Which is a possibility because the rooster may have inherited a mottling gene from his granddaddy.


These two pretties are from the Cinnamon rooster over my White NN hen. They are looking like pullets and I'm hoping they are.


Again Cinnamon rooster but over a set of three 1/2 sisters 1 Blue Red and 2 Black Gold ( these two are full sisters) all are from my original Blue Red hen who I lost last year.

More on another post to come in a bit.
This is zombie. Wondering if roo or hen. Sometimes her neck just by her head feathers is red. Sometimes not.
This is caramel. I am pretty sure she is a pullet. They both are about 8 weeks.

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