Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Oh, that's happened to me, but I lost it entirely... I look forward to reading it.

(Oh, and today I noticed that I've got some real bruises on my legs where he went after me - if there was any chance I would waffle about the decision, that's a good reminder...)

- Ant Farm

Okay, my internet is back up and running and it only took 2 hours on the phone with tech support. Here's the response I tried to post last in it's entirety:

Do you by chance have a large dog kennel? I'd put him in there with some food and water to keep him contained until you can cull him.

A book I have on processing game discusses stabbing the bird in the roof of the mouth to not only expedite the kill, but to improve dry plucking. I tried it once with no success, but maybe you'll be luckier?

Brine can be as simple or complex as you like. It can be anywhere from 1/4 - 1 cup of salt alone added to the water, or you can include other seasonings to further flavor the meat. Most of the time I only use 1/3 cup of kosher salt because I don't like the meat to become too salty, which I've experienced when I use more salt. If you want something more involved, here's a brine I've used with very tasty results:

2 gallons water
1.75 cups kosher salt
0.5 cup white sugar
2 TBS Morton Tender Quick
2 TBS Onion powder
2 TBS Garlic powder
2 TBS Paprika
1 TBS White pepper
1 TBS powdered ginger
1 tsp mustard powder
1 tsp powdered sage
1 tsp nutmeg
2 tsp coriander seed
My favorite broody hen had another successful hatch! I gave her five eggs, three of which were Bielefelder eggs, and they all hatched by day 20. I have one pure Biel pullet, one Biel cockerel that may not be pure since it has feathered shanks (I've no idea where those came from), one NN/Biel pullet, on NN (cockerel?) and one White Rock/Ameraucana mix (pullet?). As always I am wholeheartedly impressed with how amazing of a mother Lily is.

Once they (roos) start they don't stop, for real. They will pause and let you drop your guard then attack just when you think it is okay and leave your protection (pipe, wood, stick, water hose w/ jet setting, etc...)
I agree. An aggressive rooster usually keeps getting worse once he's started. We have one rooster now that has tried to chase me a couple of times. The first time he did it I pick up a small branch (from a pine tree so it could have resembled a wing to him) and I smacked him with it. He ran as fast as he could. Now he is more respectful of me. My good rooster will attack the bad one if he comes too close to me. The good rooster has a home here for life!
I think I have a frizzled naked neck. The ebay seller I got the eggs from must've been working on that as a project. The feathers on my little Lucky stick up and some look to be backwards. I'll have to take a good picture when he/she finished feathering out. That's gonna be a cool-looking chicken
I think I have a frizzled naked neck. The ebay seller I got the eggs from must've been working on that as a project. The feathers on my little Lucky stick up and some look to be backwards. I'll have to take a good picture when he/she finished feathering out. That's gonna be a cool-looking chicken

Frizzled NNs are fantastic and make me smile every time. Lucky you!

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