Naked Neck/Turken Thread

This is my Wally. He is 5 weeks old and is a naked neck Cochin frizzle

LOVE him!
My eggs are advertised as hatching approximately 50% naked necks. I have hatched out 10 eggs and only got 3 turkens. My last hatch I had 14 eggs hatch and 10 were naked necks. In the end it averages out to approximately 50%

My hens are black but carry they wheaten gene. Just by probability you'd think half would be black when bred to a non-black rooster. However, usually 90% of my chicks hatch black. Genetics is just a probability, not an exact science. That is how we how hatch out 10 babies and get 10 cockerels!

LOL, Sounds like you have the same kind of gender hatching luck that I do. And unfortunately, I tend to be more fond of the cockerels than most of the pullets, which makes it that much harder for me to cull the extras.

This discussion about NN ratios at hatch is precisely why I maintain a line of pure NNs. When I definitely want NN I know which birds to breed to pretty much guarantee success. When it comes to colors though... I've pretty much decided that I don't stand a chance of pre-determining how the chicks will look once hatched, but I'm okay with that now. I've come to like getting a surprise with each hatch.
LOL, Sounds like you have the same kind of gender hatching luck that I do. And unfortunately, I tend to be more fond of the cockerels than most of the pullets, which makes it that much harder for me to cull the extras. 

This discussion about NN ratios at hatch is precisely why I maintain a line of pure NNs. When I definitely want NN I know which birds to breed to pretty much guarantee success.  When it comes to colors though... I've pretty much decided that I don't stand a chance of pre-determining how the chicks will look once hatched, but I'm okay with that now. I've come to like getting a surprise with each hatch. ;)  

I'm going to try to beat the odds this time. I'm witching my eggs. Needle over theocrats going back and forth, cockerels. If it goes in a circle, then pullet. So say some of the old timers. Giving it a try this time. Setting on the 4 or 5th.
Good luck!

I hoping do. There are those that dry it doesn't work. Can't hurt trying.

There is smother way done say that work, the rounder ended are pullets and the more pointy ones are males. I can't tell much difference on my hens eggs.

I did try to do the visual on my eggs after witching them, I could see maybe a very little pointier egg that showed up as cockerel. So I don't know on that one.
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Genetics wise, if a rooster throws 25% NN offspring, is he himself a Nn? And also, in a recent hatch I noticed that none of my Leghorn/NN crosses were NN. Was that just a "by chance" type thing or do leghorn crosses not get NN gene?
Genetics wise, if a rooster throws 25% NN offspring, is he himself a Nn? And also, in a recent hatch I noticed that none of my Leghorn/NN crosses were NN. Was that just a "by chance" type thing or do leghorn crosses not get NN gene?

Curious - what does he look like himself? Large muff in front of neck, or smaller muff or just a few feathers? If you get any fully feathered offspring, I believe that means he's Nn.

Statistics call for the following, but they don't always some out with those percentages, as it's chance (esp. if you'r hatching smaller numbers):

NN x nn (leghorn): All Nn

Nn x nn (leghorn): 50% Nn, 50% nn (fully feathered)

- Ant Farm (open to being corrected, but I think that's right)
Curious - what does he look like himself? Large muff in front of neck, or smaller muff or just a few feathers? If you get any fully feathered offspring, I believe that means he's Nn.

Statistics call for the following, but they don't always some out with those percentages, as it's chance (esp. if you'r hatching smaller numbers):

NN x nn (leghorn): All Nn

Nn x nn (leghorn): 50% Nn, 50% nn (fully feathered)

- Ant Farm (open to being corrected, but I think that's right)

Correct. :)

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