Naked Neck/Turken Thread

My new two girl that i got today. .
. .
. .and this one is not naked neck , i think she is mix. .
I think I'll head out and see how everyone is...

- Ant Farm 

Hope all is well with yours. Our temps have dropped back into the high 80's. Suppose to be there till the following Monday then back into the 90's.

I've lost two of the 8 NN chicks I bought. One more isn't eating well so I've scrambled an egg for her in hopes to get her eating. Crop is empty as were the other two. Acted like they were eating just not getting full crop. One NN also has completely naked bum as well.
Well I found a droopy hen early this afternoon. Couldn't stand up. Had to put her out. Young hen too. I think it may have been the heat.

93 right now. They are saying that it's feeling like 106 with the humidity.

That's such a bummer! I'm so sorry to hear it. I've been working overtime so far this summer to try to keep from losing any of my birds. Sometimes I wonder if I should just let nature take its course, but I just can't seem to help myself.
About feed: I buy a 16% crumble and a 22% pellet feed and mix them together. I have so many different breeds in my flock. Some like the crumbles and some like the pellets. Works well for me.
About feed: I buy a 16% crumble and a 22% pellet feed and mix them together. I have so many different breeds in my flock. Some like the crumbles and some like the pellets. Works well for me.

I've been doing a 50/50 mix of 24% chick starter crumbles and 16% layer crumbles - everyone really likes it and they are all doing well on it. (I can't claim to have come up with it - George Jensen recommended it in the absence of easily available/fresh breeders ration).

I give a couple handfuls of BOSS to each family/flock every week or two, more if they are molting or otherwise seem like they need it.

- Ant Farm
Well I found a droopy hen early this afternoon. Couldn't stand up. Had to put her out. Young hen too. I think it may have been the heat.

I have 2 hens like that. can you believe they have canker? they are getting better with flagyl and vibramycin. one started to lay as well but still cannot walk properly.
Hope all is well with yours. Our temps have dropped back into the high 80's. Suppose to be there till the following Monday then back into the 90's.

I've lost two of the 8 NN chicks I bought. One more isn't eating well so I've scrambled an egg for her in hopes to get her eating. Crop is empty as were the other two. Acted like they were eating just not getting full crop. One NN also has completely naked bum as well.

sorry for your loss. I would try honey water, that helped many of my chickens. I dilute a few drops of honey in water and give it with a syringe.
sorry for your loss. I would try honey water, that helped many of my chickens. I dilute a few drops of honey in water and give it with a syringe.

Thanks. She/he is still drinking and looking like its eating. Crop isn't filling. Going to try dry dog food mixed with regular chick starter and water. Spends more time and energy chasing others that have a chunk of food. Will put honey in water at the small water bottle. Seemed to like the scrambled egg last night so making some more this am. Poops look good.

The two that died their crops weren't filling either. Acted the same as this one. The other five are doing well. Almost like something is stopping food.

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