Naked Neck/Turken Thread

I've been doing a 50/50 mix of 24% chick starter crumbles and 16% layer crumbles - everyone really likes it and they are all doing well on it. (I can't claim to have come up with it - George Jensen recommended it in the absence of easily available/fresh breeders ration). 

I give a couple handfuls of BOSS to each family/flock every week or two, more if they are molting or otherwise seem like they need it. 

- Ant Farm 

Is the 24% crumble a meat grow? Best find here is a starter of 22%. Since I have moved the pullets from their starter to the 16% pellets eggs have been smaller and fewer. Now it do get hot here and maybe that's the problem but now it's cooler again and eggs have definitely slowed
Is the 24% crumble a meat grow? Best find here is a starter of 22%. Since I have moved the pullets from their starter to the 16% pellets eggs have been smaller and fewer. Now it do get hot here and maybe that's the problem but now it's cooler again and eggs have definitely slowed

Water is key to egg production. Eggs are mostly water and if the birds get dehydrated or don't have enough water, egg production is affected.
Water is key to egg production.  Eggs are mostly water and if the birds get dehydrated or don't have enough water, egg production is affected.

Water is good. I'm able to let it slowly drip into a 5 gal bucket that has a large hole drilled for access. The run off then goes to garden.

I've noticed the slow down when I switched the starter crumble to lay pellets when they started to lay. Which coincided with the heat spell we got. Egg size also got smaller. Going to get meat crumble and see if there's a difference
Check dates on the bags - sometimes they don't rotate the stock like they should, and you don't want to get home and find out you have old stale/spoiled feed...

- Ant Farm
Water is good. I'm able to let it slowly drip into a 5 gal bucket that has a large hole drilled for access. The run off then goes to garden.

I've noticed the slow down when I switched the starter crumble to lay pellets when they started to lay. Which coincided with the heat spell we got. Egg size also got smaller. Going to get meat crumble and see if there's a difference

I've also noticed a slow-down in egg production as well as a diminishment in size these past couple weeks as the temperatures spiked. I can't blame them. I watch those girls panting like crazy while laying their eggs in an already hot nesting box....I'd want a break too! And to make matters worse, my girls STILL seem determined to all occupy the same nesting box at the same time even when there's over a dozen other ones to choose from. Crazy birds!
Check dates on the bags - sometimes they don't rotate the stock like they should, and you don't want to get home and find out you have old stale/spoiled feed... :sick

- Ant Farm 


This bag was brand new, new design on bag, several dry hard chunks of mold. I think it came from the mill this way. I took it back to TSC. Wife stopped a few days later to pick up chick starter that bag I returned was taped up and on sale.
I'm buying layer mash for now on from a local mill, nice looking stuff and 17% protein, and only $10.80 for 50# bag.

TSC wouldn't post my review. ..
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