Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Jinx! I just had the same thought...
Hahaha- sometimes I regret starting this little project. But too late now. I'm committed. I am planning to free range the young birds, though. Otherwise, I don't think I'd have room to grow them out the 4-5 months needed to see the faces start to come in.
Hahaha- sometimes I regret starting this little project. But too late now. I'm committed. I am planning to free range the young birds, though. Otherwise, I don't think I'd have room to grow them out the 4-5 months needed to see the faces start to come in.

How many years are you in? Do you sell hatching eggs? If a person already had fibro birds but no white lobes and blue faces ..........................
Well I'll finish that question, how long would it take to get the faces and lobes back up to this level, would they be lost entirely? or lost mostly and hard to re establish. (assuming mixing them w/ the fibro NN)
Wow! Your birds are REALLY stunning, and thank you for all of that info. It was just enough to deter me from pursuing yet another project. Instead I will live vicariously through you.

Haha I admit to sort of trying to get a cross of barbezieux and fibro NN.. just did not happen that way and am most likely selling off the barbezieux soon without that happening at all.
This thread is massive.... so I am jumping in without reading much of it (sorry, not much time ATM)....
I just bought a few chicks to raise for meat birds, do not ask me to explain the variation I can't. I'm not good enough with my spanish in Paraguay to get into detailed conversations with folks but these seem a a favoured breed i.e. they are not like the Cornish X type I have seen here which never leave the coop and are cripples before they live 2 months (not a nice life for the bird IMHO).
However the chicks I got were either yellow, brown or black - ALL the black ones lacked feathers around the back of the neck. I bought one black one anyway as my lucky extra - it's a darling, the only one that loves its little swing perch in the brooder so far. But its lack of feathers is weird, it seems happy.

Any info would be appreciated and meanwhile I'll dig into this thread more in the next few days, 'cause the little weird one is terribly endearing.

Hi and welcome! We would love to see pictures of your naked neck baby. I'm especially interested in seeing naked necks from all over the world.

as far as I understand, naked necks are very popular in parts of south and central america. Lots of naked necks in Brazil also lay blue eggs.

It is a very long thread, do not feel you have to read it all.. skipping pages or asking anything now is more than allright.
If you're interested in integrated white face genetics, I would recommend staying away from hatchery birds and starting with the best Spanish you can find. There seem to be quite a few genes involved in getting good face development. Here are the large fowl I used. The big fibro cockerel is from this large fowl cockerel below X (Svart Hona X bantam Spanish). And even then you see how underdeveloped the face is. Trying to get rid of silky feathering, slow feathering, and yellow skin alleles while intensifying the white face and fibro skin genetic. This is not going to a short term project, unfortunately.
WOW!! just WOW!!

Hi Kev, Here is my naked neck baby. It has a white patch on its head as did the others at the shop.
I wasn't quite ready to get these little fellas but ended up with a layer chick that was rejected so was hand raising one...
Interesting to know naked necks are not that uncommon!! What do you think of my little one?

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