Naked Neck/Turken Thread

You could always try supplementing the lower protein feed with cooked egg or other protein sources. My birds go absolutely nuts for some of my extra eggs either hard-boiled or scrambled.
Yeah, we've been supplementing with eggs for a few days. I don't think the NNs like the new feed very much, they don't go for it as much as they normally go for their feed LOL.
What do they sound like? Coyotes have a very distinctive ululating 'bark' that sounds reminiscent of human laughter. I can't tell you how many times we've thought there were people crossing our property only to discover a pack of coyotes closing in instead. 

They have the wolf kind of ululation/wailing and bark here and there
Fire Ant Farm- present this as further evidence to Neil!

Just a hour ago, put eggs under three broody hens as fertility testers.... and for them to hatch.... ha!

TankxGNH eggs went into lock down this morning - I keep walking by the hatcher and whispering "I can't wait to meet you and tell you how cool your Daddy is!"

(I think I may have lost my mind...)

- Ant Farm

TankxGNH eggs went into lock down this morning - I keep walking by the hatcher and whispering "I can't wait to meet you and tell you how cool your Daddy is!" 

(I think I may have lost my mind...)

- Ant Farm 

Saw a bumper sticker the other day. It read. " your psychologist called me, he said he found your mind" my first thought was why would he call you and my second thought was I never told him about the chickens. :lau
I found a good recipe ( I'll let y'all know how it turns out when I take it out if the oven) that will help use up some of those unhatched chicks. It takes eight of them. It's called "8 Egg Cake".
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They have the wolf kind of ululation/wailing and bark here and there

Yep! Definitely sounds like a coyote. I had no idea you had those in Croatia. Heck, I was shocked to discover how many of them live in the eastern U.S. Out here, around my house at least, they've learned to be more wary of humans since many of us in the 'neighborhood' don't hesitate to shoot them, but just fifteen minutes away from me the buggers walk from house to house begging for food from the elderly population that's inclined to treat them like dogs. One made her den in a house that was closed up for the summer and had a litter of pups that proceeded to kill and eat all of the neighborhood pet cats and small dogs. Some people just never learn. These are wild animals and will behave as such.

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