Naked Neck/Turken Thread

It's a color/pattern genetic thing is all. I don't know the genetics of it though.. any one know?

Wait...the expert is stumped?

Well, I guess I'll just have to breed the snot out of her and hatch bunches of chicks to find out.
Oh...and big boy Tubbs ALMOST sealed the deal today with one of my larger, fully feathered hens. We're supposed to cool down next Wednesday to more reasonable 70-80* temps, so he may just stand a chance of breeding after all. My husband is literally cheering this guy on.
she looks a bit like my laura, the only surviver of my 1st NNs. her tail feathers couldn't grow due to a bunch of peckers so I moved her to my cuckoo marans cockerel and some different breeds pullets. her tail feathers are growing and she is so happy with them that she is not trying to go back to her old flock. I hope to hatch some dark layers from them.

Yes! She had already had a few feathers picked from that poor tail ...two of the top bossy girls that did this are gone now. She is much happier out there. Hope the tail feathers come back.
@DesertChic I would breed her with Heisenberg if possible-he is pretty dark and would give chicks with more black or blue colour then just tail on buff chicks- @Kev am I right?
Pictures I got of Gladys a few days ago. Poor thing was getting picked on by the others... first day out on the yard. She had been with a silkie..she stays by the sillies pen a lot now. At night when I go out to put chicks go bed, she hears my voice and comes running. I am still putting her up on a roost at night. She is so cute!


It's a color/pattern genetic thing is all. I don't know the genetics of it though.. any one know?
I THINK that @alohachickens had possibly posted a detailed description of this, as it is one of her goals to NOT have that black bar - she wants (in my simplistic and probably inaccurate terms) the orange and white without much black.

I tagged her, hopefully she'll come over and comment.

- Ant Farm
I'm trying, but the colors still get the better of me much of the time.

One more question....Would it be better to breed her to a second NN rooster for genetic diversity among the offspring to further encourage the mottling while reducing the chances of inbreeding? I know it shouldn't be a problem breeding her back to her son, but I'm still unclear as to when it could become a problem. She's shown interest in my NN/Cochin rooster, Peta too, though right now he can't get to her since she's in a breeding cage with Zazzle.
The best thing is to get some mottled NN's from me DesertChic and add them for diversity. ;) LOL

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