Naked Neck/Turken Thread

The best thing is to get some mottled NN's from me DesertChic and add them for diversity. ;) LOL

Oooh....I'm still considering it.
Okay have you ever heard of a Harlequin colored chicken? I haven't until today.

I posted sone pictures of a Mottled mixbred hen that I bred. At least I was calling her Mottled. I posted on the FB group of Mottled Ameraucana's. I thought she had the shake and.form of the Am's. But I guess not because they said she looked nothing like one. My bad. Here is one of the shots.

One guy said she was Hatlequin and it is Linked to albanism. Thoughts or knowledge on this.

By the way to keep it NN she is I. The run with my Cinnamon NN rooster for assured nn's.
Okay have you ever heard of a Harlequin colored chicken? I haven't until today.

I posted sone pictures of a Mottled mixbred hen that I bred. At least I was calling her Mottled. I posted on the FB group of Mottled Ameraucana's. I thought she had the shake and.form of the Am's. But I guess not because they said she looked nothing like one. My bad. Here is one of the shots.

One guy said she was Hatlequin and it is Linked to albanism. Thoughts or knowledge on this.

By the way to keep it NN she is I. The run with my Cinnamon NN rooster for assured nn's.
I learned my lesson well, I don't go on any site, thread, page etc... that says Americana!

Those people are wound pretty tight!
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Okay have you ever heard of a Harlequin colored chicken? I haven't until today.

I posted sone pictures of a Mottled mixbred hen that I bred. At least I was calling her Mottled. I posted on the FB group of Mottled Ameraucana's. I thought she had the shake and.form of the Am's. But I guess not because they said she looked nothing like one. My bad. Here is one of the shots.

One guy said she was Hatlequin and it is Linked to albanism. Thoughts or knowledge on this.

By the way to keep it NN she is I. The run with my Cinnamon NN rooster for assured nn's.
She's really cool and unique!
Thank you! Over the past two years I've been breeding for increased growth rates and size, so Heisenberg is actually one of my smaller roosters, weighing in 9.5 lbs the last time I checked and he's over 2 years old now. He's heavier than he looks in photos because he's tightly feathered.

Zazzle is also a bit smaller at 9 lbs but some of his sons are looking very promising for greater size, and Peta weighed in at 10 lbs last I checked, and he's still growing. Peta was a late bloomer and originally on my cull list, but as I butchered more and more of the other boys in the bachelor pad he really took off in growth and size.His father was over 11 lbs.

11 lbs, that's impressive! I'm intending on getting some NN hatching eggs from Rare Bird Farm in Wilcox next month. He lists his as averaging around 10 lbs, and I want to see if they indeed grow that big. I should be doing it now before it gets too hot, but there's just too much going on with a pending trip to Utah and now my father in law just had a heart attack, so I don't know what to expect from the next couple weeks. Life is always getting in the way of what i want to do. :(
@DesertChic , you know, one day/year I may drive to Arizona and ask if I can buy a couple dozen "eating" eggs from you. (I hear those Arizona eggs taste good, after all.) Wouldn't be my fault if when I got home they fell into the incubator on the way to the fridge...

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