Naked Neck/Turken Thread

I have two little Nn's. :) Went ahead and assisted the one (Zen) that had been pipped for a while..the membrane started drying out pretty quick after close to 23 hrs. and baby wasn't peeping as much. Glad I did. It's a happy baby now. :) It was laying all along the side of the egg..belly up..everything, from head to toes! Those little feet were just sticking straight up. Glad the legs look good. No taping needed.

One from Zen and one from Coco Puffs.

I thought the Zen baby was black, it's looking blue now, and it looks like it's going to have puffy cheeks. What?
Maybe because they are drying out sooner. Will see.

Coco Puffs baby looks white, with a black on it's head, and in the middle of the back. Looks like a boy already soaking wet. That chick hatched fast once it pipped! I have two others that are pipped in the same area as Zens. :/ Will be watching them.

Zen's looks like a girl. :D

I'm so glad you rescued it!
Puffy cheeks??? Oh, that little stinker! I guess my EE got to her when I wasn't looking, LOL! Go Chewey! I'll have to tell him he's a daddy. Hmm....but the blue suggests Peta because Chewey is copper...but then again, he has blue siblings....UGH! Color genetics! Kev! Where are you????

Ivy egg hatched! Black with yellow on head, and some yellow on side of body. Still wet. Can't tell where all of the yellow is yet.

Ivy was with Heisenberg, so the black isn't a surprise, but she carries the barring gene. I'm thinking that one may be a cockerel.
I have a lot of NN babies. I tried keeping track of the names of the eggs they came from..I think I did good. Will get photos up when they are dry. I have two in the bator still. 4 were DIS. In your group Christine..6 DIS in other bator. All of your babies were NN's Christine. Even the DIS. I have the names of those too if interested. They are cute. A lot of blacks, a few look like they could be a dark blue? One has a bit yellow dot on head...barred rock in it? Yellows, two with black on them, a couple of chipmunk looking ones. :) So cute. :)
I have a lot of NN babies. I tried keeping track of the names of the eggs they came from..I think I did good. Will get photos up when they are dry. I have two in the bator still. 4 were DIS. In your group Christine..6 DIS in other bator. All of your babies were NN's Christine. Even the DIS. I have the names of those too if interested. They are cute. A lot of blacks, a few look like they could be a dark blue? One has a bit yellow dot on head...barred rock in it? Yellows, two with black on them, a couple of chipmunk looking ones. :) So cute. :)

That's awesome!!!!

DIS???? What does that mean?
Wanted to share pics of a chick I'm excited about - and get opinions on gender! Boy, or girl?

Carries Mottling - also carries DUN - note the gray in the wing here:

Dad is same Dad as Ant Farm's current top pick boy. Here's a couple pics of him:

Mom is this hatchery NN who is fabulous light buttery buff color and she is the "foundation" of my Aloha NN line, so clearly she's got the genes that allow spots to shine:

I am excited about this baby because the "foundation hen" was such a good mix with really brightening up the colors on my Alohas. This chick has size and if it's a boy, even though he doesn't have spots, he does carry Mottling and could be a nice big roo to cross with smaller spotty hens. But that's a long way yet - we still have a summer chock full of 110+ degrees to survive before that could happen. EEEEEEKK.

I recently moved the hen in with her son - ewww - hate to cross that close but this gal is getting up there in years (I think she's 4 now?) and who knows if she will survive another summer. I want to try and "clone" her basically. Crossing my fingers for a couple of hens that look just like her. Would not be Mottled but would carry Mottling and be 75% Mom's DNA plus 25% Aloha. Would love a pair of hens just like her for next season's pens.

Very happy with the little chick from the previous cross with Dun rooster and I've been saving her eggs in this pen to incubate - they won't have the new rooster's DNA right away - so the ones going into the incubator now could be siblings to the chick that I really like of hers. That Dun rooster is super TALL - like about 2 feet at top of comb I'd guess - and any chicks from this pair will be good sized. But will any more with the Dun rooster have that super light butter yellow color? I don't know.
Ah! Right...makes sense. Will you message me the names of the eggs that were DIS? I do like to track that sort of thing in case there's a recurring problem with a particular hen.

I did get the names of them. I'll just put them here..I don't remember the colors of who, but there were three black and three yellow that were. Muffin, Sterling, One of Reba's, and Lucky Charms.

Here are photos of 9 of the babies that are dry and up and about. I wrote down the names. The two that are still in the bator is one of Rebas, a chipmunk color, with a real pretty blue stripe all the way down the back. When that is dry, it will look awesome! The other is another Dolly egg..they both made's black! The one I will show is chipmunk!

Here goes....There are 9, and I took a couple of photos of most, so will let you click on to enlarge. :)

Zen egg


Coco Puffs egg

Coco Puffs

Ivy egg




Rizzo..he he..check out the stink eye!


Sherbert :)



Fezz kept wanting to come to me,
and would snuggle under my hand.



Other Fezz egg..get this! So different.

Other Fezz

Dolly, chipmunk here..other one black in the bator!

Prince..also wanted me!


Like I said..there is a black, from a Dolly egg in the bator still, and, a chipmunk..Reba egg. Has the blue stripe down the back!
Ah! Right...makes sense. Will you message me the names of the eggs that were DIS? I do like to track that sort of thing in case there's a recurring problem with a particular hen.
A few of the DIS were behind in development than the rest. They were moving and alive at lock down, but just too far behind. There were two that made me sad..wishing I had gotten to them before day 21. :( Fully developed, blood absorbed, yolk too. Oh well, you know that this is a great hatch for eggs that have been shipped.
Here's the whole gang together now..except for two..this is with the other bator that hatched was fully feathered. I have a few NN's!


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