Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Easter chicks





Me too. Are these from the Silkie/white Jersey Giant crosses.
the fm one is. Most the rest are pure naked necks. I count two others that have five toes but not fm.
I set 34 eggs, about a 1/4 of them from the silkie/giant cross. Had a few clears and 15 that were fully developed dead in shell...

Not sure what was up with that, unless it was from setting pullet eggs. They were medium size, haven't weighed them though. I didn't have any problems hatching the giant's pullet eggs but they were large, most of them 100grams.
Only other change this time was I locked down and added water on day 18 and didn't open bator till the end of the second day that batch hatched.
Last yr they started zipping on day 18 before I locked down and added water and I opened it to remove chicks as they hatched. Maybe there wasn't enough air flow this time IDK, just heard don't open cause of shrink wrapping.
All dead chicks were positioned correctly and not drowned or shrink wrapped.
Not sure that I shared that I took in a couple of duck eggs for a friend. Not sure how far along but will put them into lock down next Friday. Got the cutest shot of one of the babies feet!...
the fm one is. Most the rest are pure naked necks. I count two others that have five toes but not fm.
I set 34 eggs, about a 1/4 of them from the silkie/giant cross. Had a few clears and 15 that were fully developed dead in shell...

Not sure what was up with that, unless it was from setting pullet eggs. They were medium size, haven't weighed them though. I didn't have any problems hatching the giant's pullet eggs but they were large, most of them 100grams.
Only other change this time was I locked down and added water on day 18 and didn't open bator till the end of the second day that batch hatched.
Last yr they started zipping on day 18 before I locked down and added water and I opened it to remove chicks as they hatched. Maybe there wasn't enough air flow this time IDK, just heard don't open cause of shrink wrapping.
All dead chicks were positioned correctly and not drowned or shrink wrapped.
your chicks are adorable!

sorry to hear about dead chicks. never heard that there is a problem with setting pullet eggs. do you mean you set some of the first 10 pullet eggs or any of pullet eggs?

I have heard that only the first 10 eggs are not good for hatching.

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