Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Please, please, please....if you cross your Brahma with NNs, post TONS of photos! This is one of the combinations I've been seriously considering for some time, but I'm just not in a position to bring in yet another breed right now until I cull down the flocks I have. I absolutely love big, big birds, but I've also been reluctant to raise any Brahmas here because of the intense summer heat. I truly don't want to suffocate the poor things. It's been hard enough on my Bielefelders, the three of which I still have are now three years old and STILL require extra attention in the summer. Maybe in a few more years when I've finally set up a proper micro-climate on my property I'll be in a position to consider Brahmas, but until then I would relish the opportunity to live vicariously through you. ;)
Would crossing the Brahmas with NN make them more heat tolerant?
Please, please, please....if you cross your Brahma with NNs, post TONS of photos! This is one of the combinations I've been seriously considering for some time, but I'm just not in a position to bring in yet another breed right now until I cull down the flocks I have. I absolutely love big, big birds, but I've also been reluctant to raise any Brahmas here because of the intense summer heat. I truly don't want to suffocate the poor things. It's been hard enough on my Bielefelders, the three of which I still have are now three years old and STILL require extra attention in the summer. Maybe in a few more years when I've finally set up a proper micro-climate on my property I'll be in a position to consider Brahmas, but until then I would relish the opportunity to live vicariously through you. ;)
The thing I've found with Brahms's are that they are very slow w growing birds. I had the hatchery ines and they are slow too.

They would definitely add size to your NN's but cause them to be slow growing also. But then you never really can tell they may take back after the NN side and grow a little faster than a Brahma. I gues it'd be worth a try. But not me, I don't want to deal with feathered legs.

Feathered legs is the main reason I haven't crossed in an Olive Egger (Mariana-Ameruacana cross) into mine. I'm trying to locate about 6 green/blue eggs to incubate. Decided I'm going to test my incubator out again and see if it's working properly. Going to set mostly from only one pen the Mottled Partridge-Red Mottled one. May throw in a few from another run depending on how many I collect between now and Sunday.
The thing I've found with Brahms's are that they are very slow w growing birds. I had the hatchery ines and they are slow too.

They would definitely add size to your NN's but cause them to be slow growing also. But then you never really can tell they may take back after the NN side and grow a little faster than a Brahma. I gues it'd be worth a try. But not me, I don't want to deal with feathered legs.

Feathered legs is the main reason I haven't crossed in an Olive Egger (Mariana-Ameruacana cross) into mine. I'm trying to locate about 6 green/blue eggs to incubate. Decided I'm going to test my incubator out again and see if it's working properly. Going to set mostly from only one pen the Mottled Partridge-Red Mottled one. May throw in a few from another run depending on how many I collect between now and Sunday.
Question for you breeders, does the NN less feather gene apply to the leggs, too?
I have been trying to talk myself out of putting eggs in the bator......... mostly because DH is convinced I have enough. But I could hatch out more Necked necks! sigh.... I will be good for a while more I suppose.
Yep! But I'd still have to get the Brahma's through the summer, and my husband gets a little grumpy when I let the chickens hang in the master bathroom to cool off when it's over 110* outside. :lol:
LOL the Master Bed Room = off limits to all birds here! Put an AC in the coop in the interest or peace int the MBR!
Nope. I have several NNs with feathered shanks. Unless they have a double dose of the gene there will be less feathering, but once you start crossing feathered leg with feathered leg you lose that reduction.
Question: NN x feather leg marans, would you get a less feathered leg + heat resistant bird that would lay a nice dark egg? Or, would it be better to use a clean leg marans from a hatchery?
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Question: NN x feather leg marans, would you get a less feathered leg + heat resistant bird that would lay a nice dark egg? Or, would it be better to use a clean leg marans from a hatchery?
I'd go with the clean legged from a hatchery. But then you'd probably lose the dark egg color.

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