Narragansett Turkeys


Mar 1, 2023
I’m wanting to get Narragansett turkeys and I’m just wondering how well they can fly and how high because I’m going to let the free range 24/7 and I’m not to worried about predators because we like in a open field with no woods for a long distance except for a few trees and I don’t know whether the turkeys will wonder to far then they never come back and them get eaten should I make a t post and bury it in the ground and teach them to roost on there or will they just find somewhere to roost that they like even if I train them to roost at a certain spot and during breeding season will they wonder off and lay there eggs?
Hi, Make sure you have a basic shelter and their free roam are has some sort of fencing. They love wandering and heading into the woods and tree line. We had 10 bronze BB's and they look like wild turkeys and act like it too. One morning I went out there and a piece of wood that kept the coop against the run, was broken off, no feathers or blood, but they were all gone. Haven't found ANY signs of remains here, at the neighbors or anywhere nearby since they disappeared. We got a dozen bourbon reds (they sent 13, one was DOA) another had a splayed leg issue and a hobble didn't fix it so the others helped nature along. I've tried free raining them and they go the OPPOSITE DIRECTION of grass and greens and into the woods. I know people will tell you turkeys aren't dumb, but they kind of are, and they're goal is escape! Lol. Turkeys really only need a lean to type shelter. They prefer to do everything, even sleep, outside with no shelter, even in the snow! Turkeys start mating and laying in spring between March and April and they're between 6-8 months old when this starts generally. You MAY get a few eggs in the fall, but they won't reach sexual maturity until 6-8 months, and it depends on breed. Our Bourbon Reds have to be 7-9 months to lay, and they just started laying Monday. We got 4 total mon-wed, and 6 total Thurs-today/Sat and we have 6 hens and 2 toms left (we ate 3 toms between Thanksgiving and Christmas, which saved us watching them fight the others to matethe hens) the other two warn each other occasionally tho. The hens seem to enjoy roosting, the toms not so much.

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