Neck Wound (Large Skin Flap) - What should I do?

The issue I have concerns with is the large flap of skin on the left side. I have edited the pics so you can better see the skin with the feathers in the first picture; and in the second picture, the flap is over my finger so you have an idea of its size. It is from the word "is" to the arrow.
The wound itself is healing well and I'm happy with the progress, but I didn't know what to do about the large flap of skin. It seems large to fall off or shrivel up, but also too large to try to remove...

I understand your concern now. So long as the wound is healing and doesn't become infected, don't worry about the flap of skin.
I understand your concern now. So long as the wound is healing and doesn't become infected, don't worry about the flap of skin.
Sounds like a plan to me. Thank you! I really did not want to mess with it but wasn't sure what the best course of action was.
Hello Aggieland....I have a similar problem with my hen who was attacked by a dog. She has a large (larger than what yours had) neck skin flap (hanging down under her chin). Did you leave it alone or did you end up cutting it off??? What happened and how is your girl??? THANKS SO MUCH.

It happened 2 weeks ago today and she is finally not having to be force fed as much, but I am concerned about the flap..
Hello Aggieland....I have a similar problem with my hen who was attacked by a dog. She has a large (larger than what yours had) neck skin flap (hanging down under her chin). Did you leave it alone or did you end up cutting it off??? What happened and how is your girl??? THANKS SO MUCH.

It happened 2 weeks ago today and she is finally not having to be force fed as much, but I am concerned about the flap..
I left it alone. It was quite awhile before I realized how deep and how large the skin flap was and I decided to heed everyone's advice and leave it alone. She healed just fine. I treated her with a prescription strength triple antibiotic (like neosporin) every other day for awhile and did not bandage it, which I believe is the way to go.
She does have an area about 1"x 2" that has no feathers (the feathers are all on the flap which has shrunk but still there). She is doing just fine and has had no complications. She is a great layer and lays the most double yolkers! They are such resilient animals. I can't believe someone told me to cull her- that would have been such a waste.
Good luck with yours-- hope she heals well! Keep us updated!
Thank you for replying --- she is with the others, but I am afraid she is still traumatized from the ordeal (she has lost a few places in the pecking order and now sleeps with the younger chickens I have). She eats well and goes about with the other hens, but is very wary (almost aloof). Her flap is about 2" x 2.5" and hangs under her chin. It does not hurt her appetite, but if I give her something that she wants to eat quickly it is almost like she chokes or cannot swallow so much food at once. I am not sure of the cause of this... if she is eating normally then she has no problem. At first I wondered if her esophagus was damaged in the attack....

Anyways, I will heed your advice and leave the flap alone... the skin around her neck has almost completely grown back!!! Resilient indeed!!!!!

Thanks again...
Sure thing! I apologize it took so long to reply. We are moving 1200 miles next week so I have given my girls to a dear friend so they don't have to deal with the trauma of moving.
I haven't really kept up with the site, since I'm no longer a chicken owner. In fact its kind of sad, because I already miss them, however I'm happy to help where I can.
I can tell you that my injured chicken did fall to the bottom of the pecking order as well, but once she fully recovered returned to her original place in the flock. As long as she's eating and safe I wouldn't worry.

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