NEED ADVICE ASAP for bantam hen (was egg bound)


Crossing the Road
12 Years
Apr 21, 2012
North Texas
Our little bantam hen was egg bound. -took her to an emergency vet last evening. The vet was able to remove the egg, gave her an injection of fluids and electrolytes, and sent her home. -said to keep her quiet and warm and let her rest. -also said to offer food and water (with electrolytes and probiotics) today. (She is being kept indoors right now) This morning she drank three little dishes of water - seemed quite thirsty. She will not eat anything still. -has had two poops, and continues to drink. -just won't eat. She wants to roost, sleep, and seems to have a bit of labored breathing. Any recommendations, suggestions, or thoughts would be appreciated. I am beginning to wonder if something else is going on. She does not have any wheezing, discharge from eyes/nose, or any other symptoms. -was very active half of the day Saturday until she began attempting to lay and couldn't. -has been inactive since yesterday afternoon. (She is 2.5 yrs old)
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-almost three weeks later, and four vet visits, and the little hen is not doing well. She still has a crop that is very, very slow to empty. -hasn't passed any more eggs (which is just fine, she needs the rest). She is only passing minimal stools that are either green and yellowish or mostly white, green, and not very solid. I am wondering if she has kidney/liver issues or peritonitis. (She didn't have parasites, and nothing of significance was viewed on x-ray. -has been on antibiotics for two weeks.) WHAT NOW? Does this sound like kidney/liver failure?
Any help is appreciated.
I would have to contact the "emergency clinic" tonight or tomorrow. (She's been there twice.) The regular vet isn't in until Monday (been there twice). I may give calling a try, but I'm certain that they will want her to come in and be seen.
-just hoping that someone that has experienced similar symptoms with a hen might offer insight without another several-hundred-dollar visit to the doc.
Thanks for your advice and well-wishes!
Aweeee I'm so sorry
I've never had that problem with my chickens. My hen passed away about 2 weeks ago from egg binding. She was only 10 months old. It's really hard to deal with the loss because they're family. But keep your head up and know that you did everything you could for her. I'm so sorry :'(
Our precious Little Bit passed away last evening.

So sorry for your loss. She was a little fighter. You never know if may e it started with being egg bound and then an opportunistic infection, bacteria or virus moved in that she just couldn't recover from. So hard to know. But you did everything you could.

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