Need Advice: Deep Litter Method and Coop Design


8 Years
Aug 28, 2014
Oakland, CA
My Coop
My Coop
Ok, here goes my first question post ...

I'm having a custom coop built. I plan on doing deep litter. When I look at most coops, the pop door and nesting boxes are right at floor level. This seems problematic to me if I'm going to have 6"-12" of litter in the bottom of the coop. Should I have the pop door and nesting boxes placed higher to accommodate the litter?


Should I have the pop door and nesting boxes placed higher to accommodate the litter?
I would.

My nesting boxes are about 18" off the ground, for the bottom 3. I have 3 more on top of them. I don't have a pop door yet, but when it is put in, it will be at least 12" from the floor.

This is them during the construction phase. I have plenty of room under them for the deep litter. I will be putting a kick board across the door to keep the litter in as needed also.
I don't know how I'd search for that one, but yes, that is pretty common advice. Take into account the height of the bedding when putting in nests, pop doors, and human or access doors.

Be generous in that allowance. Don't try to cut it too close. Chickens scratch a lot. They will pile up bedding in corners, under thing, and against walls. It does not stay level. Chickens can jump very well. I've seen three day old chicks jump into a nest a foot off the floor when Mama told them to, though some don't make it. Still, it is quite impressive.

If you wish, you can build a set of steps using bricks or pavers to help them get in or out of a pop door if you are concerned, but after they are just a couple of weeks old they don't need much help.

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