Need Advice: Moving Chicks to Coop


7 Years
Feb 27, 2013
You would think that for having raise chicks for 5 years I would know what I am doing but still I'm unsure. This is the earliest I've hatched out/ordered chicks.

There are 25 of them, youngest 4 weeks (Black Jersey Giants and Barred Rocks) and oldest are 6 weeks mutts. Here's my current temp where I am and for the next few days.

MAR 15
25° /15°F
Snow showers; blowing snow


MAR 16
25° /15°
Mostly cloudy; blowing snow

MAR 17
35° /20°
Turning cloudy; not as cold

MAR 18
39° /29°
Cloudy with a little snow

MAR 19
39° /22°

Chicks have been off heat for at least a week, I used an ecoglow. Our house is kept at 70 . Here's a picture of them:

So your thoughts? Expand the brooder or ready to move out? If I should wait, what temperature am I looking for?
I TOTALLY mother and smother my baby chicks and wouldnt make them go outside without them being completely feathered unless it was 50 degrees or around there, but for the most part you can just play it by ear, like if you put them out and they are cold, shivering and unable to do normal chicken things they it might be a good idea to put them back inside or put a light out for them :)

And WOW you have some cold weather right now! Good luck with your little bit of snow! PNW just has a bunch of rain right now LOL
My overnight low is about 45. My chicks were hatched 2/9. My house is 62 and they have been off heat for more than a week. And they have spent many days outside with temps in the mid 50's. I have a broody with chicks from the same days hatch that is outside. But I am going to wait before sending them out for the night. The broody ones still have mama. I am also in the PNW, mild temps and plenty of rain.

Since you have 25, they may be able to huddle well enough with a huddle box. I'm guessing they aren't all sleeping on a roost right now? Without taking them out and letting them adjust during the day I wouldn't just plop them out there. They need some time to acclimate. A sudden 30 degree drop in temp could be a little shocking to the system, I would think.
But I would take them out during the day and observe. If they act normal and then settle down to nap in a nice chick pile then they are probably comfy. But if after a chance to settle in and get used to the surroundings they still seem unhappy, then you will know it is still a tad too cold.

Buncha cute babies you got there!

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