need advice on chick runt


Aug 15, 2021
So I got all these chicks from Wilco, and they’re all different breeds. I’ve raised baby ducks many times but never chicks.. this is my first time. This tiny baby was very healthy the first day or 2 but slowly started getting more tired, doesn’t eat as much, and just stays in the same spot all day. occasionally I’ll see her run around but it’s very, very rare. She doesn’t care if you pick her up like all the other ones do and just sits and cries. I don’t know if it’s because she’s sick, unhealthy, not thriving, or just because she’s younger and needs different attention. Does this situation sound familiar and what should I do? I’ll attach a picture of all of them eating… except her. I put her near the food and she just sat there with her eyes closed, crying.


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Does she drink on her own? Pick up some Poultry Nutri-Drench if you can and mix it into their water according to bottle directions, or if she won't drink, direct dose her carefully, a drop or two maybe 2-3x a day, until she's able to drink the Nutri-Drench water herself.

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