Need book series for a 6 year old


Green Eggs and Hamlet
12 Years
Jul 7, 2007
Middle TN
My niece is a strong reader. She's artsy and funny and silly. I had her on the floor laughing at knock knock jokes when she was here for THanksgiving. Goof. She has a pet bunny, takes ballet and karate and plays the piano.

I need some book suggestions. Fancy Nancy perhaps? Is there anything else appropriate?
There's a series of "Ivy and Bean" books that both my granddaughters enjoyed. There was another series they loved with a pig as the main character, but I can't think of the name of it. Junie B Jones is very popular - although lots of folks feel that she's not the best role model for kids. :)
Yeah, my sister (a teacher) isn't a huge friend of Junie B Jones. These books are for my brother's kid, but I trust my sister's opinion. I don't want to send something that might make my brother and SIL crazy.

I saw the Ivy and Bean books on Amazon. I'll go back and check them out again.

Keep the suggestions coming!
Okay - I was an elementary school reading specialist before I retired last year, but I've been out of it so long, I had to really think about it. She would probably love Amelia Bedelia books since she likes knock knock jokes and apparently "gets" that type of humor. The Frog and Toad series, and the Biscuit series might be too easy - but kids her age enjoy them a lot anyway. The Boxcar Children, The Littles, and The Magic Treehouse series might be too difficult - just depends on how advanced she is.
Beverly Cleary has several series for good readers - girls usually enjoy reading her Ramona series. Oh yes - the Lighthouse Family is a good series.

MERCY WATSON! That's the series I was trying to think of. My granddaughters LOVED all of the books in that series.
Is she reading chapter books? My oldest DD loved Pony Pals and Magic Treehouse.

My younger daughter just turned 6 and she's reading well, but she's on a Dick and Jane level.

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