Need further help with Antibiotic dosing schedule and Treatment for possible EYP


Jan 31, 2023
Gloucester, VA
Well, I think I broke poor @azygous - I'm SO sorry to put you thru that on a rough day!!! Hope you're feeling much better- I GET it so that makes it worse knowing I caused any further stress... who knew- was working on this forever...but my timing- as ever- is impeccable!! 😂 😘

SO here is what I posted (and realize it was in wrong place for the WHOLE story- thus the apology... I can break this up later and deal with each separately with further details and photos if needed but for now, want to focus on WOODSY from this post- she's gotten one dose of "LA-200 or Liquamycin" which is from what I can tell a long acting version of the broad spectrum antibiotic "oxytetracycline" and is meant for cattle and pigs.
if I should reduce the dosage some- for her normal weight (less the fluid retention) which would put it closer to a dose of 1cc or 200mg which I've seen someone suggest on one of these threads- it's a LOT to read....yeah- I see the irony!! 🤣 Trust me, I'm trying!!! My brain is no picnic to live with!! :barnie

Have gotten great info on how to treat CRD with this drug specifically- posted in the original thread as an answer (thank you @azygous!!)- if you have been looking it's NICE to know that someone got some good answers on dosing for at least that problem in trust me, I have looked and it's hard to get any real answers as it's off label (as most with chickens unless from the vet and even then....) from an Auburn U. "poultry science professor".

Problem is that I'm getting VERY differing info on dosing overall- in trying to treat EYP or reproductive infection, not a respiratory one...well let's just say at about midnight on the night after I gave it I was convinced suddenly that I'd certainly OD'd my little girl... :duc.... remembered that I'd written down "5mg/kg" and yet I went with other oft seen and above quoted 0.2ml/lb....WAY under 15mg vs. over 200mg kinda different!- yeah.... Calmed down when I reread the response and can only assume that the difference from the info given and the 5mg/kg on "Poultry DVM" is that the "LA-200 Liquamycin" (from TSC) is a long acting version of the drug... only a guess... and therefore the dose is significantly higher?? (and less often) ? Thus the every third day dosing schedule in cows/pigs and in the quote from above professor to treat CRD...but that's a BIG difference! ?

Well she tolerated it and today is even walking around more and even eating. :yesss:(watching from a distance-with binoculars! haha) I'm WELL aware we're NOT out of the woods by any means but I'll take ANY advice possible on treatment of EYP or similar reproductive issues I've read about on case studies at Poultry DVM and on here... Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to post info and articles...
Even this nightmare post may help even one person in the future... willing to read as much as I did... 😔

OK- for some more specifics on Woodsy to answer some of the questions from instructions on how to post for help here..... Again, I am sorry for length- I have read some REALLY long posts- but guess I 'win'!! 😂😔 oh well- will embarrass myself a bit more for "Woods":

*She's a "Starlight Egger" I think they called it from TSC that we got at "one" day old (?) in June of 2020... So she'll be 3 this June.

*Kept in a coop/covered run combo & let out as often as we can in afternoons to "forage" and dirt/sun bathe in the barn when we're around to discourage the hawks...

*Eats 'layer' mini-pellets (Purina-16% protein) and get 'treats' of "Grubblies" (BSFL) to supplement her protein almost daily- in quantity they suggest- as well as a mix of Sunflower hearts ,millet, & milo thrown into run several days a week to keep them 'busy' pecking for them... cut out then restarted with less recently due to one having sour crop.... also started to ferment food for them to eat again when same with sour crop had to rejoin the flock before all better- to have softened food and now for health-as I used to feed this like 4-5X/wk for almost a year!! when they were doing great. Use a mix of their pellets and Grubblies layer feed which includes whole grains/seeds) to ferment then drain and dry as much as I can- adding in some crushed daily pellets so it's not a sticky mess!!

* Is normally a very good layer- get an olive colored egg from her at least 5 days a week or more until she was at least halfway thru her first (hard) molt- Not sure but may not have laid SINCE.... see below as how I missed this ;-(

*Had her first full molt this past Nov that made her so weak that she was walking like a drunk monkey (can joke now but...scary!!) and staggering way off to one side then ending up laying down breast down first (didn't fall over)... was given support online via a Facebook chicken member group that decided it was from the sheer stress it takes to molt... and was still laying at the time!! She got lots of extra sources of protein and loving and got all better! BUT...

*She was then involved in the diarrhea that all 6 girls seemed to have (and one or more were shedding a lot of intestinal lining) plus lots of head twitching/shaking and from what I could tell they may have needed to be wormed- had only done once prior and our run was looking a bit ragged as we worked on finishing a 6 mo build of a new shed/coop/run they've since moved into- more stress unfortunately. Old run had middle section open to rain and constant fight to keep mud from being issue towards end...wasn't being quite as neurotic about it as we worked on new one I guess...;-)

*So she got Fenbendazole in ~mid Dec. (think it was) via a horse wormer apple flavored paste for three days (small pea sized bit for her size) and some CORID (just to be safe in case I was wrong about it being intestinal shedding) but I cannot attest to how great that worked as it was from over year prior- powedered.

*After the move in early Feb. they got Valbazen that we'd never used before and was dosed orally at just over 1/4ml (was told 1/4 for smaller chickens like bantams and 1/2 for 'regular' sized chickens) Think that was Valentine's... She was the bigger of my 3 EE's so she got in between the two... Tolerated fine it seemed and was repeated on Day 10.

*Also was given CORID again from a new bottle of the 9.6% liquid (5 day treatment) started same day- Valentine's as Puffy died on the 10th...
This was done out of an abundance of caution as we were dealing with some weird symptoms that went thru the whole flock one by one it seemed until we lost our beloved "Puffy" who was the last to show symptoms... (standing off alone- puffed up and hunkered down- eyes closed- and not interested in food or water- with pretty runny diarrhea- some more watery...and yes some leaving an orangish hue in the new hemp...wasn't sure if it had to do with new brand? but doubtful and not right so after she died, we really got serious!! (btw- NO respiratory symptoms other than a couple who open beak-breathed on roost when it wasn't hot... but nothing else!)

**OK- now it's almost March and I FINALLY realize that Woodsy has not been laying at all since she finally stopped midway thru her late fall molt... She's looked healthy and is always head down/tail up eating as much as they'll let her and not having any obvious issues- easily overlooked considering the two having pretty big ones...

We have 3 EE's and assume one was incorrectly 'lableled' and was a blue egg layer instead- she has darker markings and has always laid bluish eggs... knew everyone's except Woodsy and her little twin, PeeWee who laid very similar olive shade eggs- one larger than the other and never did know for sure who's was whose with them. When we were getting an olive egg almost daily, we assumed one or both of them were laying again... guess I didn't worry about not getting one from Dandy- the blue one- as she was the healthiest after her own day or two of the weird illness... BUT.... alas I finally saw her get up from the nest box as I was cleaning and sure enough she had laid a green egg- same as the others we'd been getting....

Finally started to realize that I needed to pay better attention (I was grieving Puffy's loss, and frankly exhausted from all of it- and my own health issues- and had been taking care of PeeWee with her resistant sour crop issue)... didn't think she was gonna make it more than once- so yes, I was a little late on picking up on Woodsy's decline... 🥺

*Noticed then that she started to have trouble running to greet me as she used to do enthusiastically- no matter what- if she was outside (my husband will let them out in afternoons as much as possible if he's out there working on something...or if I'm out) She seemed to want to but would start and stop like she was having trouble... so assessed her (not easy as she hates to be picked up) and realized that not only did she have a very big belly that initially felt more 'boggy' like "water belly" or ascites- but she was open beak breathing and I could feel her heart racing after I did catch her- had to sit down to take her weight off by my lap and give her time to calm down... and after reading up on ascites when Puffy showed those symptoms, I guess I had tunnel vision and didn't put together the important symptom of her not laying and esp of having yellow colored poop that had crusted to her butt after their whole 'diarrhea forever' period. I had washed the two remaining 'bigger' girls but had skipped Woodsy as I didn't want to make things worse for her just to clean her up- esp if I was gonna lose her as there's no treatment for ascites. (only draining for comfort)

**DUH... FINALLY started to wonder if my poor girl had Egg Yolk Peritonitis (EYP) that would be explained by all of the above- esp the yellow poop/discharge... SO I decided to treat it as if it was- it would not hurt her if I was wrong- she had a major problem and was slowly starting to have difficulty hiding it. She's "lowest" in our flock's "order" and gets picked on terribly at times- WORST during her molt. So she was working at hiding her issues... doesn't make me feel better about missing weeks of this, but...

I weighed her and was not completely shocked by her 6.3lb weight! Her only healthy sister was 4.8.lbs and the little one with sour crop had declined to 2.8 (now up to 3.1 so ?! prayerfully on the mend)

Gave her one dose of Meloxicam at 0.5mg/kg as I had it on hand and read repeatedly that vets had prescribed this for the pain of the swelling- will help by reducing the swelling as it's an NSAID commonly (apparently by research at least) used by vets in chickens- 'off label' as most drugs are for them...and started to try to figure out WHAT antibiotic to treat her with and how!
She was obviously not feeling good and it could help a bit with the swelling thus reducing the pain... got her to eat that one hidden in a piece of scrambled egg but my attempt at a second dose was not as successful as she wasn't eating and I tried dissolving it in warm water but doesn't stay in suspension long and is bitter I discovered. (we take it but don't taste it!) Third attempt she was still not eating much at all so I mixed a dry piece crumbled into a little yogurt/kefir mix and syringed it followed by water she would swallow by drops... Seemed to at least fall asleep faster at night- got doses in late afternoon- despite some antics lately by Dandy that usually keep her up and moving around...

*Btw-had agreed to no vets when we got them... despite admitting afterwards they're pets! trying to stick by that agreement for anyone wondering why I haven't taken her to a vet! I think if you are gonna do that you should start when well and not for the first time when already sick and stressed- to get into a carrier/car for first time ever and take an hour+ car ride one way!!

Got her first (and only so far) dose of the LA-200 Liquamycin that I gave SQ (in tented skin at base of the back of her neck) that was tolerated well. Rubbed her neck and massaged area a bit for a little while to help it absorb. Need to decide if I'm repeating in 2 or 3 days....

Gave her a warmish epsom salt bath yesterday when I found her hunkered down off to herself 🥺 thus able to handle her without nearly the visible stress- and went for it as it might help her belly feel better- and at the very least would help cool her off as the water cooled and afterwards... (hot day) but also get that crusted up old stuff off her butt so I could better see what's happening... she also had seemed to be almost having spasms when she'd drop her butt down to' poop' small bits often. Posted one pic that was not so great- but got a pic of next one on floor and after being wiped up- attached.

Photo notes: As you MAY be able to see in the photos she started to at this point lose some big feathers just above her legs (hock area?) and from her tail which looks much smaller now-pretty sure not picked by others... The photos don't really show how bad her butt got but included anyway... The poop pics were all from yesterday- including one with her still standing there right after going for size comparison...can see how she now has more green solids included- seemed for awhile there- even when eating good- that it was just yellow/white thick appears more watery with solids but when wiped up off a solid floor you really can see how much yellow there still is... Final pic note- in one of all of them, she is walking towards the left- In the pic is Lily, Lady, Woodsy, PeeWee, and Dandy on the end... Getting there but it's been overwhelming to say the least....


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Well, I think I broke poor @azygous - I'm SO sorry to put you thru that on a rough day!!! Hope you're feeling much better- I GET it so that makes it worse knowing I caused any further stress... who knew- was working on this forever...but my timing- as ever- is impeccable!! 😂 😘

SO here is what I posted (and realize it was in wrong place for the WHOLE story- thus the apology... I can break this up later and deal with each separately with further details and photos if needed but for now, want to focus on WOODSY from this post- she's gotten one dose of "LA-200 or Liquamycin" which is from what I can tell a long acting version of the broad spectrum antibiotic "oxytetracycline" and is meant for cattle and pigs.
if I should reduce the dosage some- for her normal weight (less the fluid retention) which would put it closer to a dose of 1cc or 200mg which I've seen someone suggest on one of these threads- it's a LOT to read....yeah- I see the irony!! 🤣 Trust me, I'm trying!!! My brain is no picnic to live with!! :barnie

Have gotten great info on how to treat CRD with this drug specifically- posted in the original thread as an answer (thank you @azygous!!)- if you have been looking it's NICE to know that someone got some good answers on dosing for at least that problem in trust me, I have looked and it's hard to get any real answers as it's off label (as most with chickens unless from the vet and even then....) from an Auburn U. "poultry science professor".

Problem is that I'm getting VERY differing info on dosing overall- in trying to treat EYP or reproductive infection, not a respiratory one...well let's just say at about midnight on the night after I gave it I was convinced suddenly that I'd certainly OD'd my little girl... :duc.... remembered that I'd written down "5mg/kg" and yet I went with other oft seen and above quoted 0.2ml/lb....WAY under 15mg vs. over 200mg kinda different!- yeah.... Calmed down when I reread the response and can only assume that the difference from the info given and the 5mg/kg on "Poultry DVM" is that the "LA-200 Liquamycin" (from TSC) is a long acting version of the drug... only a guess... and therefore the dose is significantly higher?? (and less often) ? Thus the every third day dosing schedule in cows/pigs and in the quote from above professor to treat CRD...but that's a BIG difference! ?

Well she tolerated it and today is even walking around more and even eating. :yesss:(watching from a distance-with binoculars! haha) I'm WELL aware we're NOT out of the woods by any means but I'll take ANY advice possible on treatment of EYP or similar reproductive issues I've read about on case studies at Poultry DVM and on here... Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to post info and articles...
Even this nightmare post may help even one person in the future... willing to read as much as I did... 😔

OK- for some more specifics on Woodsy to answer some of the questions from instructions on how to post for help here..... Again, I am sorry for length- I have read some REALLY long posts- but guess I 'win'!! 😂😔 oh well- will embarrass myself a bit more for "Woods":

*She's a "Starlight Egger" I think they called it from TSC that we got at "one" day old (?) in June of 2020... So she'll be 3 this June.

*Kept in a coop/covered run combo & let out as often as we can in afternoons to "forage" and dirt/sun bathe in the barn when we're around to discourage the hawks...

*Eats 'layer' mini-pellets (Purina-16% protein) and get 'treats' of "Grubblies" (BSFL) to supplement her protein almost daily- in quantity they suggest- as well as a mix of Sunflower hearts ,millet, & milo thrown into run several days a week to keep them 'busy' pecking for them... cut out then restarted with less recently due to one having sour crop.... also started to ferment food for them to eat again when same with sour crop had to rejoin the flock before all better- to have softened food and now for health-as I used to feed this like 4-5X/wk for almost a year!! when they were doing great. Use a mix of their pellets and Grubblies layer feed which includes whole grains/seeds) to ferment then drain and dry as much as I can- adding in some crushed daily pellets so it's not a sticky mess!!

* Is normally a very good layer- get an olive colored egg from her at least 5 days a week or more until she was at least halfway thru her first (hard) molt- Not sure but may not have laid SINCE.... see below as how I missed this ;-(

*Had her first full molt this past Nov that made her so weak that she was walking like a drunk monkey (can joke now but...scary!!) and staggering way off to one side then ending up laying down breast down first (didn't fall over)... was given support online via a Facebook chicken member group that decided it was from the sheer stress it takes to molt... and was still laying at the time!! She got lots of extra sources of protein and loving and got all better! BUT...

*She was then involved in the diarrhea that all 6 girls seemed to have (and one or more were shedding a lot of intestinal lining) plus lots of head twitching/shaking and from what I could tell they may have needed to be wormed- had only done once prior and our run was looking a bit ragged as we worked on finishing a 6 mo build of a new shed/coop/run they've since moved into- more stress unfortunately. Old run had middle section open to rain and constant fight to keep mud from being issue towards end...wasn't being quite as neurotic about it as we worked on new one I guess...;-)

*So she got Fenbendazole in ~mid Dec. (think it was) via a horse wormer apple flavored paste for three days (small pea sized bit for her size) and some CORID (just to be safe in case I was wrong about it being intestinal shedding) but I cannot attest to how great that worked as it was from over year prior- powedered.

*After the move in early Feb. they got Valbazen that we'd never used before and was dosed orally at just over 1/4ml (was told 1/4 for smaller chickens like bantams and 1/2 for 'regular' sized chickens) Think that was Valentine's... She was the bigger of my 3 EE's so she got in between the two... Tolerated fine it seemed and was repeated on Day 10.

*Also was given CORID again from a new bottle of the 9.6% liquid (5 day treatment) started same day- Valentine's as Puffy died on the 10th...
This was done out of an abundance of caution as we were dealing with some weird symptoms that went thru the whole flock one by one it seemed until we lost our beloved "Puffy" who was the last to show symptoms... (standing off alone- puffed up and hunkered down- eyes closed- and not interested in food or water- with pretty runny diarrhea- some more watery...and yes some leaving an orangish hue in the new hemp...wasn't sure if it had to do with new brand? but doubtful and not right so after she died, we really got serious!! (btw- NO respiratory symptoms other than a couple who open beak-breathed on roost when it wasn't hot... but nothing else!)

**OK- now it's almost March and I FINALLY realize that Woodsy has not been laying at all since she finally stopped midway thru her late fall molt... She's looked healthy and is always head down/tail up eating as much as they'll let her and not having any obvious issues- easily overlooked considering the two having pretty big ones...

We have 3 EE's and assume one was incorrectly 'lableled' and was a blue egg layer instead- she has darker markings and has always laid bluish eggs... knew everyone's except Woodsy and her little twin, PeeWee who laid very similar olive shade eggs- one larger than the other and never did know for sure who's was whose with them. When we were getting an olive egg almost daily, we assumed one or both of them were laying again... guess I didn't worry about not getting one from Dandy- the blue one- as she was the healthiest after her own day or two of the weird illness... BUT.... alas I finally saw her get up from the nest box as I was cleaning and sure enough she had laid a green egg- same as the others we'd been getting....

Finally started to realize that I needed to pay better attention (I was grieving Puffy's loss, and frankly exhausted from all of it- and my own health issues- and had been taking care of PeeWee with her resistant sour crop issue)... didn't think she was gonna make it more than once- so yes, I was a little late on picking up on Woodsy's decline... 🥺

*Noticed then that she started to have trouble running to greet me as she used to do enthusiastically- no matter what- if she was outside (my husband will let them out in afternoons as much as possible if he's out there working on something...or if I'm out) She seemed to want to but would start and stop like she was having trouble... so assessed her (not easy as she hates to be picked up) and realized that not only did she have a very big belly that initially felt more 'boggy' like "water belly" or ascites- but she was open beak breathing and I could feel her heart racing after I did catch her- had to sit down to take her weight off by my lap and give her time to calm down... and after reading up on ascites when Puffy showed those symptoms, I guess I had tunnel vision and didn't put together the important symptom of her not laying and esp of having yellow colored poop that had crusted to her butt after their whole 'diarrhea forever' period. I had washed the two remaining 'bigger' girls but had skipped Woodsy as I didn't want to make things worse for her just to clean her up- esp if I was gonna lose her as there's no treatment for ascites. (only draining for comfort)

**DUH... FINALLY started to wonder if my poor girl had Egg Yolk Peritonitis (EYP) that would be explained by all of the above- esp the yellow poop/discharge... SO I decided to treat it as if it was- it would not hurt her if I was wrong- she had a major problem and was slowly starting to have difficulty hiding it. She's "lowest" in our flock's "order" and gets picked on terribly at times- WORST during her molt. So she was working at hiding her issues... doesn't make me feel better about missing weeks of this, but...

I weighed her and was not completely shocked by her 6.3lb weight! Her only healthy sister was 4.8.lbs and the little one with sour crop had declined to 2.8 (now up to 3.1 so ?! prayerfully on the mend)

Gave her one dose of Meloxicam at 0.5mg/kg as I had it on hand and read repeatedly that vets had prescribed this for the pain of the swelling- will help by reducing the swelling as it's an NSAID commonly (apparently by research at least) used by vets in chickens- 'off label' as most drugs are for them...and started to try to figure out WHAT antibiotic to treat her with and how!
She was obviously not feeling good and it could help a bit with the swelling thus reducing the pain... got her to eat that one hidden in a piece of scrambled egg but my attempt at a second dose was not as successful as she wasn't eating and I tried dissolving it in warm water but doesn't stay in suspension long and is bitter I discovered. (we take it but don't taste it!) Third attempt she was still not eating much at all so I mixed a dry piece crumbled into a little yogurt/kefir mix and syringed it followed by water she would swallow by drops... Seemed to at least fall asleep faster at night- got doses in late afternoon- despite some antics lately by Dandy that usually keep her up and moving around...

*Btw-had agreed to no vets when we got them... despite admitting afterwards they're pets! trying to stick by that agreement for anyone wondering why I haven't taken her to a vet! I think if you are gonna do that you should start when well and not for the first time when already sick and stressed- to get into a carrier/car for first time ever and take an hour+ car ride one way!!

Got her first (and only so far) dose of the LA-200 Liquamycin that I gave SQ (in tented skin at base of the back of her neck) that was tolerated well. Rubbed her neck and massaged area a bit for a little while to help it absorb. Need to decide if I'm repeating in 2 or 3 days....

Gave her a warmish epsom salt bath yesterday when I found her hunkered down off to herself 🥺 thus able to handle her without nearly the visible stress- and went for it as it might help her belly feel better- and at the very least would help cool her off as the water cooled and afterwards... (hot day) but also get that crusted up old stuff off her butt so I could better see what's happening... she also had seemed to be almost having spasms when she'd drop her butt down to' poop' small bits often. Posted one pic that was not so great- but got a pic of next one on floor and after being wiped up- attached.

Photo notes: As you MAY be able to see in the photos she started to at this point lose some big feathers just above her legs (hock area?) and from her tail which looks much smaller now-pretty sure not picked by others... The photos don't really show how bad her butt got but included anyway... The poop pics were all from yesterday- including one with her still standing there right after going for size comparison...can see how she now has more green solids included- seemed for awhile there- even when eating good- that it was just yellow/white thick appears more watery with solids but when wiped up off a solid floor you really can see how much yellow there still is... Final pic note- in one of all of them, she is walking towards the left- In the pic is Lily, Lady, Woodsy, PeeWee, and Dandy on the end... Getting there but it's been overwhelming to say the least....
oops- forgot to include that Original LONG post.... 😔 Again-sorry!! now there's TWO!!
@ Azygous could you check my math/thinking on giving Oxytetracycline (Liquamycin LA-200 from TSC is quickest I can find- otc without vet available)
I have an Easter Egger- the one in the avatar "Woodsy" and this sweet little girl is either dealing with ascites OR possibly an infection or bad inflammation from a reproductive issue such as EYP.
**FYI-I WILL post this as well in a new post in illnesses but need to run out and going to hit 'reply for now'.... I appreciate ANY help you or others can provide...

Just realized in the last couple weeks that she is indeed STILL not laying since her particularly hard molt this past late fall (long story a blue egg layer we have has been laying suddenly green eggs like Woodsy and her sister PeeWee do - the only two I couldn't tell whose was whose in the past. For some reason Dandy started to lay green eggs and I didn't catch it was NOT Woodsy until I witnessed it a couple weeks ago...

SO no laying- which I was ok with as they've had multiple sources of stress from that molt forward. Longest story short- probable worms and hadn't been wormed but once prior so tried once with Fenbendazole which we'd used before but things didn't get better and one of the ones I'd been most worried about wouldn't finish her course- could not MAKE her eat that stuff the last day.... SO we also used Valbazen and repeated at Day 10 as directed after they'd also had the stress of finally moving into the new coop/run built just past the end of their old one so same area etc. and had been a slow build they'd been all over during the 6 months- tried to minimize the stress but alas.... We had some SUPER weird stuff go down for girls that were always healthy previously... one by one they'd be stand offish puff up, hunker down and close their eyes- that weird looking ominous look of the whitish looking ?lower eyelid over an open eye vs eyes shut lids- meeting in middle like on roost...
ANYWAY not good... I've learned when they aren't in motion with heads down/tails up exploring and pecking unless sunning, dirt bathing, and chilling then it's not good... tails down no bueno!

SO this lasted only about day each- first one I thought was just dehydrated b/c she was simply unwilling to get herself off the new roost after the move and has since been lowered/changed... but each got better after a day or two pulled aside for some attention by me- dropping water and even nutridrench in some cases- and all got better except for the diarrhea which continued- they had a lot of head 'shaking' or jerking too like they were bothered by pests but none seen... we unfortunately lost our "big" girl who we think had underlying issues from birth as she never really laid or MAY have had an odd egg rarely over her lifetime- the "big" girls are going to be 3 in like 3rd week of may and the little Easter Eggers will be 3 about 6 weeks later. (so "spring chickens" that laid non-stop until their second fall when they finally went thru a full molt...) and when things started to get weird.
They'd had the diarrhea starting in the old coop/run and that's why we tried Fenbenazole and tried Corid but it was from when they were much younger and powdered so after we lost Puffy rather quickly after she became ill looking/acting, we repeated that with a new bottle of 9.6% liquid CORID just out of an abundance of caution! Did ALL waterers for full time frame as directed.

Things for the most part started to get back to normal but then I realized that neither of my olive eggers were laying and looked at them much closer- admittedly I'd never checked their crops before- no idea I was supposed to ;-) but found PeeWee to have sour crop as it was boggy in am before food/water (after 12 hrs) and once I massaged it a few times while pulling her aside in our 'hospital pen' in the barn she made it clear it was sour.... it was as if it "burped' her and I'd suddenly feel it much flatter- and def. doughy- pliable- and DEF smell her sour bad breath... She was having liquid watery poops with occasional green and white tinged pieces in it- sometimes partially formed and sometimes liquid. Followed the suggestions re: witholding food water/etc. and can get into much better details if desired from my notes, but for now- just trying to summarize with as much info as possible. Gave her generic Monistat 2% at 1/2 inch (as it comes out of tube pulled into 1cc syringe) and gave it orally BID for a full 7 days- one morning past...
She had to be put back with the flock before we were done as I was worried she was not going to make it thru a very cold night (into 20's not nl here) and had lost a LOT of weight- prominent keel bone and felt like a pea! She would eat some- but not great- and seemed to forget what her waterer was unless I put it on the floor of pen where she'd mess it up- but was obviously thirsty- would go after a drop of water on dirty rim of bin I was putting it up on... long story- I spent lot of time getting fluids and nutrients into her by dropper and got lots of massages- she seemed to like them and never protested- would close her eyes and actually fall asleep... truly thought I'd lose her a few times but the tough little girl is doing "Ok" with the crew since- have pulled her separate for crop massages and trying various oils when it seemed to almost be too firm ?impacted but is passing poop even though still very much the same but decent amounts...
Have started her yesterday finally on acidified copper sulfate in all waterers available at 1/4tsp per gallon and will be changing out daily... she has been quite interested in it...and had a good appetite for scrambled eggs in am last several days... had to pull her aside though as the bigger gals would run her off and eat it!

OK_ Woodsy I need the soonest help with- sending DH to TSC to get Oxytetracycline 200mg/ml so I can give her something to work faster than something orally!
She went thru all those same things- and then I started to realize she was not running to meet me when out of run foraging...they ALWAYS do no matter whether I have anything in my hands or not ;-) but she seemed to want to but was having trouble- noticed her belly was bigger and lower and making things hard- didn't look short of breath just from that but WILL open beak breath if I have to chase her around to pick her up... even just in the run- the stress has her heart racing and she seems to have shortness of breath..... so I just went worst case scenario in my tunnel vision head with the same thing that Puffy seemed to have- def felt like ascites and I was trying to come to terms with my fav little buddy having something I can't help... then in reading and doing as much due diligence as I could, it hit me that with her dirty butt that I almost forgot out as I skipped her from the bath for caked up butts I did for my two remaining "big girls" Lady and Lily- "Asian Blacks" from TSC as well. Didn't want to stress her as she did NOT want to be held... and had never bathed her before as all EE's had clean fluffy butts always...
So she has had YELLOWISH whitish running poo and that hit me that she could have EYP as I've ALSO been dealing with my Asian Black biggest girl Lady laying soft shelled eggs- has in the past- maybe more than I realized in hindsight- as I thought that the occasionally pecked Lily eggs maybe got broken and that's what they were eating- and has happened- but she had a recent period of having a difficult laying of soft shelled eggs even out in run and one day was trying to do so as she followed as fast as she could back to the run to get fermented food for 'linner' She eats heartily and was trying so hard- but would stop and push and eventually made it to run and laid it there then scarfed... I have been watching her and any time she is having trouble give her calcium mixed up to equal at least an ES tums in approx 1cc liquid by syringe that she happily takes- and since I've never seen her or her sister Lily eat the supplied oyster shell, and both have issues with shell hardness at times- she had two back to back soft shelled eggs (which thankfully I knew to watch for the second one) and the next day she laid a GIGANTIC two yolk egg with a slightly mishappen middle (like a bigger ring around middle) but laid without problem in the egg box where she does usually lay.

SO- reproductive issues are on my mind with a sour crop chick not laying, losing one who had possible tumors or issues from birth we're told, Lily with above issues and now Woodsy who I realized was not laying those green eggs after all and has a big firm belly and above symptoms- her poop has not changed and is just runny yellowish white- trying to pay more attention to see quality/quantity. She seems to hang back with PeeWee in the run with tail slightly down but not really "penguin" like upward stance- she will pick around with tail up and does want to eat but is low many on our pecking order and gets run off and eats after everyone has their fill sometimes- usually have two feeders so this isn't a problem but was feeding ALL of them for PeeWee with crop problem when she came back before all better and so bringing out two bowls of moistened food- did start fermenting it instead again like I used to- but they will literally growl almost and not let her eat- but she's GOOD out of run in yard- she is scratching and pecking with tail up but have also noticed she's either lost several big feathers around her hocks and tail area where I can now see down around her belly and sides OR they're pecking at her- don't see that extent but not watching 24/7...

SOOOO passed out yet?? this is why I have never posted- it's SO much!!
I'm willing to give this girl a shot a survivial if it is indeed EYP or another infection from reproductive issues- but thought EYP due to color of 'poo'...

I need to confirm the dose and route of an SQ injection.
Husband is picking up the "Liquamycin LA-200" or oxytetracycline which I chose not only cause I can get it locally without vet script- but also as it's a "broad spectrum" which will cover E.Coli and several other bugs listed as potential problems in EYP... says it's long acting but not sure completely about length of treatment either- looking at article I had already found on poultryDVM which says 5mg/kg SQ or IM (which it warns can cause muscle irritation or even necrosis depending on dose) every 12-24hrs....

That's quite a range ;-) so I'm trying to get good notes on ALL the various posts but getting overwhelmed with back and forth and would like to confirm- as before finding this I saw in comments for med, that they were told to use 0.2ml/lb as "injection" for chicken per her vet....

I'm a former RN and have had sick kitties who I had to give SQ fluid to often so I'm good IF I know what/and where!! Only just recently gave them their first oral dose of medication with the Valbazen....

Woodsy weighs 6.2 lbs two days ago- can recheck prior to dosing- but I know a lot of that is fluid as her only well chicken like her weighs 4.8 lbs and the sour crop little one now weighs 2.7-2.8lbs... So do I dose off what he normal weight would be (closer to 5lbs or do we factor in the fluid weight?) Yeah- my ICU brain is over thinking this I'm sure...;-) but love this little gal and want everything ready to roll before I put her thru any stress....

btw- also gave her one dose of Meloxicam at 0.5mg/kg as seen in many vet posts on Poultry DVM as well as others for the swelling and resultant discomfort. She tolerated well but didn't repeat yet- was night before last..

WHEW- finally got it all out even if it's hard to follow- I'm sorry if so!!! Have written and given up more than once- all the way back to before we lost Puffy- was awful fyi- as if she had a sudden seizure and got hurt as she flopped around on floor as I lost hold being shocked by it and getting flapped in the face- poor girl... was not the way I want any of them to go....🥺
Hope I answered most of the questions you guys wanted info on- I have LOTS of pics but he'll be here any minute with meds and I've got to get back out there to them as it's warm and PeeWee is still locked up separate from much ealier...want to get them out on a nice afternoon....
Sorry if I missed in the story, my RIR (Cherry, about 3 years old) has been struggling with EYP as well off and on for about 6 months. She has seen a vet and the regimen has been a round of antibiotics, followed by a continual low dose of anti inflammatory prescribed by vet. This is to keep her swelling down in her reproductive tract in hopes to allow her to pass eggs through normally if possible to avoid build up internally, etc. Sending all the best.
Sorry if I missed in the story, my RIR (Cherry, about 3 years old) has been struggling with EYP as well off and on for about 6 months. She has seen a vet and the regimen has been a round of antibiotics, followed by a continual low dose of anti inflammatory prescribed by vet. This is to keep her swelling down in her reproductive tract in hopes to allow her to pass eggs through normally if possible to avoid build up internally, etc. Sending all the best.
Thanks SO much for replying!
I'm intrigued to hear that your hen is surviving with this condition- have not seen a vet so I'm only guessing based on symptoms... what all did you see in yours and what antibiotic(s) did the vet give??
If you don't mind ;-) also, what was the dosage on the anti-inflammatory when you say 'low dose' I'm just curious- I'd assume they can get similar problems to what we would experience on those long term...though then again I don't have a gizzard! 😂haha

Thanks and sending it back 😘
It's rare that there are consequences to being given more than a normal dose of an antibiotic. About the worst that happens is cramping and diarrhea. And using more medicine than is necessary is a waste of money.

Our expert on med dosages is @casportpony
Hope you are having a better day! 😘
I DEF understand "brain fog" as I deal with Fibromyalgia and now I'm told "long COVID" which has the same type fog as I'm told... What bothers me most is the "word finding" which you may not have a problem with.... makes a normal conversation pretty hard!! ;-)

Thanks again for the help!! This too is great info to have- man that was a feeling I haven't had since I was a nurse and making a med error would be in my nightmares....thankfully it was only there!! :) Oye

Even this has me looking at a calendar and questioning what is considered the third day?? I'm losing it! I'm thinking... no today would be "every other" but it's the third afternoon....(gave first dose on Tues. afternoon) ?!?!
I need to eat- haven't even done that yet today!!! Busy time... Happy Easter btw!:jumpy:bun
Thanks SO much for replying!
I'm intrigued to hear that your hen is surviving with this condition- have not seen a vet so I'm only guessing based on symptoms... what all did you see in yours and what antibiotic(s) did the vet give??
If you don't mind ;-) also, what was the dosage on the anti-inflammatory when you say 'low dose' I'm just curious- I'd assume they can get similar problems to what we would experience on those long term...though then again I don't have a gizzard! 😂haha

Thanks and sending it back 😘
Of course, I hope that any shared experiences might help a bit. Cherry is very special to our hearts and we are trying to right by her. She may not have a lot of time left, but we are trying to give her the best shot as long as she is happy and not in pain :).

Her symptoms first presented around Sept/Oct of last year, just before her third birthday. She has always been a solid layer. She gave us a few 'fairy' or very small eggs, which I chalked up to a hiccup. I've seen it happen before and no issues came of it. Although this time her laying slowed down and then stopped. She spent hours in the nesting box trying to lay, and then would lay in the yard and sort of pump her rear up and down like she was laboring almost, certainly seemed like something was wrong. I initially thought she may be egg-bound, so I gave her lots of epsom salt baths, massages, and even attempted to feel around up her vent (sorry girl, just trying to help). Did not find anything and within a day or so she was swelling up like a balloon between her legs and towards the rear, and waddling significantly given the weight and pressure.

Got her to the vet pretty quick at that point and she was diagnosed with EYP. The vet explained that sometimes their little systems just wear down and stop working correctly, and when those yolks drop into their body as opposed to out the chute like normal, it creates an opportunity for infection and fluid build up.

The vet drained some of the fluid build up, but I learned that they can't operate or fully extract the yolk part as it somewhat hardens and attaches inside. So she was placed on Amoxicillin to rid the infection and then Carprofen as an anti-inflammatory to reduce swelling and potentially allow her to function more normally to prevent further yolks dropping inside.

She resolved her issues and was able to have a very happy winter season as her body stopped trying to produce eggs when it got cold. Thank goodness, as prior winters she laid all season long. So she had a nice break and lots of good fun with the flock until a few weeks ago when things flared up again. It's been a bit harder on her system this time and the antibiotic messed with her system and I believe created sour crop issue. That is now resolving, and she's jogging and eating and pecking again, but I'm keeping a very careful eye on her right now. :)

I am certainly not a medical professional, so please take caution in the medical info in this post. For Cherry's size and symptoms her vet prescribed 12.5mg of Carprofen once daily. She cautioned that a dose that is too high can cause internal bleeding. The continuous use at this point is somewhat of a last attempt to see if it works for her. (*I should add that we give her breaks from this med when she is obviously not in any shape to lay or even trying to lay, molting, etc.) We are certain without intervention she would have been gone six months ago; and again hard to say how much time we have left, lots of cuddles with her lately and making sure she is happy and not in pain. Sending you well wishes.
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Of course, I hope that any shared experiences might help a bit. Cherry is very special to our hearts and we are trying to right by her. She may not have a lot of time left, but we are trying to give her the best shot as long as she is happy and not in pain :).

Her symptoms first presented around Sept/Oct of last year, just before her third birthday. She has always been a solid layer. She gave us a few 'fairy' or very small eggs, which I chalked up to a hiccup. I've seen it happen before and no issues came of it. Although this time her laying slowed down and then stopped. She spent hours in the nesting box trying to lay, and then would lay in the yard and sort of pump her rear up and down like she was laboring almost, certainly seemed like something was wrong. I initially thought she may be egg-bound, so I gave her lots of epsom salt baths, massages, and even attempted to feel around up her vent (sorry girl, just trying to help). Did not find anything and within a day or so she was swelling up like a balloon between her legs and towards the rear, and waddling significantly given the weight and pressure.

Got her to the vet pretty quick at that point and she was diagnosed with EYP. The vet explained that sometimes their little systems just wear down and stop working correctly, and when those yolks drop into their body as opposed to out the chute like normal, it creates an opportunity for infection and fluid build up.

The vet drained some of the fluid build up, but I learned that they can't operate or fully extract the yolk part as it somewhat hardens and attaches inside. So she was placed on Amoxicillin to rid the infection and then Carprofen as an anti-inflammatory to reduce swelling and potentially allow her to function more normally to prevent further yolks dropping inside.

She resolved her issues and was able to have a very happy winter season as her body stopped trying to produce eggs when it got cold. Thank goodness, as prior winters she laid all season long. So she had a nice break and lots of good fun with the flock until a few weeks ago when things flared up again. It's been a bit harder on her system this time and the antibiotic messed with her system and I believe created sour crop issue. That is now resolving, and she's jogging and eating and pecking again, but I'm keeping a very careful eye on her right now. :)

I am certainly not a medical professional, so please take caution in the medical info in this post. For Cherry's size and symptoms her vet prescribed 12.5mg of Carprofen once daily. She cautioned that a dose that is too high can cause internal bleeding. The continuous use at this point is somewhat of a last attempt to see if it works for her. We are certain without intervention she would have been gone six months ago; and again hard to say how much time we have left, lots of cuddles with her lately and making sure she is happy and not in pain. Sending you well wishes.
Awww....Cherry is one lucky little girl!!! ;-) Even if she got a bad break health wise, she couldn't have asked for a better mama/family to care for her!

I love the way you view it- VERY similar to my own feelings... I don't tell many people and try not to let the others know- but Woodsy is my special little girl...don't know if I just like the underdog ;-) or if it's cause she is my "snake whisperer" and literally has "pointed" to a snake twice- even to the point of getting jumped because she was right in the doorway to the run staring at the ceiling begging ME to!! 😂 Because there was a HUGE black snake coiled right above us both!! Other time she took more risk as it was a baby copperhead right below our feet... cutest thing- makes all sorts of whiny noises and stares right at it until I finally pay attention- luckily I am not usually too tuned out ;-) and got her out of there to get it out... then hubby confirmed it was poisonous and we finished it off as I am sure I hurt it getting that super slick thing out of the fresh straw it was hiding in!! (that hubby had just put out with BARE hands! oye...)

ANYway- thanks so much- I am not sure what is going on with Woodsy but from hours upon hours of reading ANYThing I can find, it sounds like one of several reproductive "disorders"...did Cherry ever have yellow discharge or stool??
Can't get Amoxicillin (well maybe fish form...) so chose this drug from a list of ones used by vets for EYP based on it being broad spectrum and working on certain bugs like E.Coli and Salmonella that might be the culprits with peritonitis- I'm not a chicken vet either OBVIOUSLY ;-) so no worries- all you said made perfect sense to me as a HUMAN nurse but I'm working on getting better at chickens!!
Right now just want to help my little girl feel better and as you said- enjoy all the time I can with her!!
Thanks again!:love
Awww....Cherry is one lucky little girl!!! ;-) Even if she got a bad break health wise, she couldn't have asked for a better mama/family to care for her!

I love the way you view it- VERY similar to my own feelings... I don't tell many people and try not to let the others know- but Woodsy is my special little girl...don't know if I just like the underdog ;-) or if it's cause she is my "snake whisperer" and literally has "pointed" to a snake twice- even to the point of getting jumped because she was right in the doorway to the run staring at the ceiling begging ME to!! 😂 Because there was a HUGE black snake coiled right above us both!! Other time she took more risk as it was a baby copperhead right below our feet... cutest thing- makes all sorts of whiny noises and stares right at it until I finally pay attention- luckily I am not usually too tuned out ;-) and got her out of there to get it out... then hubby confirmed it was poisonous and we finished it off as I am sure I hurt it getting that super slick thing out of the fresh straw it was hiding in!! (that hubby had just put out with BARE hands! oye...)

ANYway- thanks so much- I am not sure what is going on with Woodsy but from hours upon hours of reading ANYThing I can find, it sounds like one of several reproductive "disorders"...did Cherry ever have yellow discharge or stool??
Can't get Amoxicillin (well maybe fish form...) so chose this drug from a list of ones used by vets for EYP based on it being broad spectrum and working on certain bugs like E.Coli and Salmonella that might be the culprits with peritonitis- I'm not a chicken vet either OBVIOUSLY ;-) so no worries- all you said made perfect sense to me as a HUMAN nurse but I'm working on getting better at chickens!!
Right now just want to help my little girl feel better and as you said- enjoy all the time I can with her!!
Thanks again!:love
Awe - yes Woodsy sounds very special and certainly loved! And good girl on the snake alert!

Yes, Cherry had yellow runny diarrhea with some white runny discharge included when this flared up.

Sending you and Woodsy some hugs!
Yep- EXactly what she had but now it appears to be a bit more clear with bright green solids in it...but def still yellow and white color on paper towel (if I wipe it up when she’s on the shed side) Put there to get some peace to try to leisurely eat! 😂 My two big girls and their little wanna be eat like the world’s ending anytime something shows up other than their pellets.
Used to mix some seeds up in there to be more like their old food (Grubblies- "micro pellets" w/grains but they got into an awful habit of knocking out all the pellets looking for every little seed!!!

That’s what I get for trying that!… so I’ve been just using plain pellets though sometimes-if it’s not too much or too wet- I’ll put what’s left of their fermented food on top- that's how I did it before anyway! I don’t know how others actually feed it to them-
articles usually stop after saying it's now "ready!" ;-)
I can’t get it dry enough after draining it (by adding in dry pellets… even tried leaving it a lot more wet… hilarious! (Once you get over watching all your work fly in every direction!)
Oh well- we call those our “1st world problems” and thank God for our blessings!!

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