need help bonding with my cockatiel(s)!


Aug 15, 2021
Hi, a bit of context;
I’ve had Maui, the bird on the right, for a year now. He’s from petco so he was mistreated and is very shy and aggressive. I’ve been working with him since I got him and have had tiny progress. He hisses/bites when I get too close, or sometimes flies away. I already accept that though. My bird on the left, Tiki, was adopted not even a month ago from someone. I was told he’s semi-tame, and stands on fingers. When I first got him, he was sweet and went on my finger although being a little shy (understandably). He even went on my head and preened my hair! But I introduced them too soon and they got so attached to eachother that it seems like Tiki hates me. Or is scared of me. He flies away when I get too close, but he doesn’t hiss because he isn’t aggresive at all. He is with Maui all the time which is fine, but I’m worried that because Maui dislikes me, Tiki picked up on that and dislikes me too. He just completely ignores my existence and seems frightened by me. It was sudden too, he seemed to like me at first. But ever since I let him and maui share a cage permanently, he hates me. Any advice? Will this go away or is there something specific I can do? I need any help I can get. It was already difficult having Maui but it’s even more difficult having 2 birds that hate me. I’m willing to spend eternity trying to gain their love/trust, though could still use advice lol
Now that they have bonded together it is going to be very difficult for them to bond with you. What did/do your bonding sessions look like (what did/do you do, how long, how many times a day)?
Now that they have bonded together it is going to be very difficult for them to bond with you. What did/do your bonding sessions look like (what did/do you do, how long, how many times a day)?
I got sick with covid so recently, I haven’t been very on top of it with bonding. But before I would sit near their cage, feed them treats, and do the technique where i’d slowly make my hand go closer to them while feeding a treat. I’d spend most my day with them because I’m in my room (the room they’re in) a lot. I’d say a little over/under half the day depending on what I had going on. It was working really well until I got sick and became distant for a week and a half. And now it’s like all my progress is flushed down the drain. I’ve been trying really hard to re-build the routine we had but it’s just very difficult

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