Need Help Diagnosing Hen!! Worms or Cocci?


13 Years
May 1, 2011
Story: when i went out to feed the chickens yesterday one hen didn't come running and i found her just standing in the coop in the shade. when i reached in and picked her up she came with out a fuss... this is my only flighty hen... She is a 5 month old EE. I set her where i spread the food and she pretended to eat and then went under the deck into the shade. As i looked around i noticed feathers by the garden... Tail feathers!! and there were 6 or 7 of her tail feathers along with some other smaller ones, then i noticed a bigger patch of feathers about 12 feet away and these were just the fluffy ones. i picked up the hen thinking she got attacked and looked her over for cuts or something and found that the feathers were mostly from her back but no cuts just one tiny dryed spot where one of the feathers must of came out. i felt her abdomen and it seemed it was sucked up tight. i took her to the top of the deck and set her down and immediately she went to the shade under a chair and she would sit down alot, and would almost sleep. i put out her own food and apple cider vinegar water... she ate a few pellets and then i gave her some bread and she slowly ate some of that. she didn't drink anything while i was watching. so dripped some on her beak and she would drink it. she pooped one time while on the deck and it was very runny. she didn't move from that spot for the rest of the night. so i moved her into the garage in a wire rabbit cage with food and ACV water. TODAY she wasn't just crouching there she was standing and was very quietly clucking. it didn't look like she ate anything but her crop was a little smaller than a golf ball, i dropper fed her some water and after a minute she came and was drinking it when i would drip water out. i wet-ted some food and placed it on top of the water-er and she ate that.
I did ton of searching yesterday and i thought she had Coccidisos but after todays searching I'm less sure
Please help me I'm at a loss!
(my husband doesn't want to pay for a chicken to go to the vet!)

*I thought I'd add that I don't think she has layed any eggs yet
And i like to skim things so i put important symptoms in blue
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Story: when i went out to feed the chickens yesterday one hen didn't come running and i found her just standing in the coop in the shade. when i reached in and picked her up she came with out a fuss... this is my only flighty hen... She is a 5 month old EE. I set her where i spread the food and she pretended to eat and then went under the deck into the shade. As i looked around i noticed feathers by the garden... Tail feathers!! and there were 6 or 7 of her tail feathers along with some other smaller ones, then i noticed a bigger patch of feathers about 12 feet away and these were just the fluffy ones. i picked up the hen thinking she got attacked and looked her over for cuts or something and found that the feathers were mostly from her back but no cuts just one tiny dryed spot where one of the feathers must of came out. i felt her abdomen and it seemed it was sucked up tight. i took her to the top of the deck and set her down and immediately she went to the shade under a chair and she would sit down alot, and would almost sleep. i put out her own food and apple cider vinegar water... she ate a few pellets and then i gave her some bread and she slowly ate some of that. she didn't drink anything while i was watching. so dripped some on her beak and she would drink it. she pooped one time while on the deck and it was very runny. she didn't move from that spot for the rest of the night. so i moved her into the garage in a wire rabbit cage with food and ACV water. TODAY she wasn't just crouching there she was standing and was very quietly clucking. it didn't look like she ate anything but her crop was a little smaller than a golf ball, i dropper fed her some water and after a minute she came and was drinking it when i would drip water out. i wet-ted some food and placed it on top of the water-er and she ate that.
I did ton of searching yesterday and i thought she had Coccidisos but after todays searching I'm less sure
Please help me I'm at a loss!

(my husband doesn't want to pay for a chicken to go to the vet!)
on't know what this is,,,, could have been attacked and got away??? try giving yogurt and honey... keep her separate-- feed scrambled eggs.if she will eat bread soaked in vitamin water that may help to......good luck
I'll try it!! I'm not sure but could the other chickens have done the feather pulling this hen is in 6th place out of 6 hens in the pecking order!
How would i know if its coccidisis, short of taking a sample to a vet?
What is she behaving like now? Is she back to eating? She sounds like she may have been in shock and is recovering. It's not an obvious cocci or worm case to me, especially with those feathers you found. Sounds like some kind of a fight. If you are not sure about worms, you could just worm them. It won't hurt them.
She has been separated from the others, but seems to be moving about more in her cage, she is not just sitting there anymore. she loved the scratch I brought her today but before she ate it I felt her crop and it had a very small amount in it, also I'm not sure she is drinking so I've been helping her with one of those squeeze sucker things used for babys, I'll fill it and let it drip in front of her and she'll drink water from it by herself. other than that I haven't seen her drink from her dish. I decided to treat them all for worms because it was a little rainy this week and a lot last week and they have been eating lots of earth worms, witch I know can carry worms themselves, I'm even treating the dog! Also one more thing her poo is still mostly runny with a glob in it, but it stinks really bad
could that mean anything.
And is it normal for the back part of a chickens comb have a small purple coloring? (this is on a different hen but I noticed it today)
My chicken was way excited to go back into the yard with the others yesterday so I let her out. She wandered around and ate some and still was staying away from the older chickens, she was always in the shady parts of the yard; but today was out eating with all of them for a good while. then yesterday I noticed that one of my BOs that is the same age was acting this way, not wanting to be out in the sun with the others, just eating a little, and huddled under a the trampoline net that is folded up and draping over the handle of the mower! my two BOs lay eggs but one stopped and I'm not sure who it is, yesterday I got a really soft shelled egg and none today from the BOs.
*Anyone with ideas would surly help me out!!!
what are you using for worming? because wazine only treats roundworms for example.

Also, it sounds like it may be something infectious or in the least, widespread - is there a farm vet that can see your chicken? Or at least take a poop in to be tested - that will only run 20-30 dollars, and can tell you exactly what parasites you are dealing with - and then you can actually treat what they have and you have a shot at saving them. Any vet can do that. it doesn't need to be a farm vet.

The purple comb, i am really not sure, maybe her circulation is reduced due to stress? An occasional shell-less egg is a sign of stress, repeated laying of shell-less can indicate calcium deficiency, or other, worse problems.

i hope you can sort this out!
for the past few days I've had the three younger hens separated form the older ones to see if maybe the older ones are stressing them out. Also when I got them as chicks I feel like they weren't as healthy as my first chicks, and that maybe they don't have a very strong immune system. I treated them first with a natural remedy, I infused garlic in their water, I did this before with them as chicks when I thought they had something wrong and it fixed whatever it was then. that is why I tried this first and so far they have been doing better. today I'll let them out into the yard again and see how they act.
I'm pretty sure how to check for egg bound, but just so I'm clear what things should I be watching for?

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