Need help finding my identity

ChickBond 007

Licensed to Cull
11 Years
Feb 26, 2009
Madison County, Iowa
Well, I actually know my own identity, and am usually boisterous enough to say what I think. But here's my problem:

When I joined BYC after just ordering my first batch of chicks from McMurray, I de-lurked myself from just reading/lurking and registered 2009NewChickMom on BYC. However, quickly I've learned... there's 7 pages of New Chicks, New chick moms, and 2009 chick moms. AAaaarrgghhh! Who am I among 7 pages of like-named people? I think my identity is lost. I should have spent more time picking my registered name, and put more thought into that process. BUT... who knew then that I would like it so much here and make so many friends?
I'm about to buy my GFM, decide on my personalized title, and I feel that perhaps I need a new BYC name.
Some of you know me pretty well now either from this board, from Facebook, or from chat.
Some info about me: I have 36 chickens and 14 ducks of a wide variety of breeds, my chicken coop looks like a covered bridge, and I live close to the Bridges of Madison County.

Also, I tend to "say what I think", I prefer to be pampered, am married to a handsome prince, and have been known to adjust my tiara to support my diva style. I try to be generous and humerous, teach children (mine and others) good life lessons, and I work in a school. I love living in the country, and cherish every aspect of Iowa life and it's friendly people. I have an amazing dog who wears antlers as seen above.
I'd like your suggestions, if you would like to contibute.
hmmm I'm not so good with names, lol, I use the same one almost everywhere I go...



I also like the 007 one lol

wow.. names are HARD!

Good Luck with whatever you choose and congrats on getting a GFM.

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