Need help identifying breed


Jul 10, 2017
Penryn, CA
I just purchased a variety of female birds, including Italians, Japanese Coturnix, and a Texas A&M. This girl seems to be more flighty, and wild in personality. She's also lighter in color and has larger eyes than the Japanese.


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Italian and A&Ms are color varieties of coturnix.

She looks a bit like a bobwhite, though. Did the place selling them have bobwhites?
I bought them off of someone on Craigslist, and I didn't get to see her collection. She said she had a variety of quail, and just brought me out a mix. I just noticed that this girl has a different look, and a very different personality than all of the others.
She definitely has a look and personality of her own. She mostly hides or flies away from me in the cage, but occasionally she looks at me to make sure there are no predators around.
Is there any cover in the cage? Brush they can hide under? All quail should have brush to duck under, and it might help her in particular calm her down.
They have a small chicken coop, 4 Rubbermaids, (3 with grass, 1 with sand) an upside down litter box with a dirt mound on it to hide underground or perch on top, and a section of tall grass to lay under
I've got one a bit like her! Lighter than wild type, more reddish but with the same pattern. I've seen them called "roux dilute" before—not sure if it's the official name. No idea what cross leads to that color.


Adult molt:

Normal Pharaoh for comparison:

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