Need help please


In the Brooder
Mar 24, 2024
I fed 3 day old chics a wide mouth mason jar lid, full of chic grit. Now, I’ve read so many different opinions on chic grit… I’m worried maybe they’ve ingested to much chic grit???. They are great little eaters and drinkers. Anyway, did I hurt them?. They all seem fine. Do I continue to keep giving them chic grit. As so many say they will only eat what they need? Or do I stop?. Crud… this is really frustrating. I just want to do what they need. Anyway, apx how much should 13 chics eat of chic grit per day? Or how much per day should one 3 day old chic eat?. And if they are now plugged up? How do I know this? And what can I do to help them get unplugged?!!. Thanks so very much. I do really appreciate the help.
I give mine grit, and they go through it, but I've never had any ill affects from it. I would give them greens (just pull some grass up from your yard that doesn't have any insecticides or herbicides on it) so that grit goes to work!
I give mine grit, and they go through it, but I've never had any ill affects from it. I would give them greens (just pull some grass up from your yard that doesn't have any insecticides or herbicides on it) so that grit goes to work!
Thank you so very much. Do I just tear grass into small pieces or just toss it in there with them?. Thanks again
Perfect!!, I’ll do this with the grass. So, you just leave a small bowl of chic grit in with 3 day old and up chics and let them take what they need of the grit daily? Just making sure. As I’m honestly still not sure how much they are supposed to eat of the grit each day Lol lol. Ohmygosh, I never thought I’d get neurotic over chics. lol lol!!!. I’m hooked. They are adorable. Thanks again
Chicks don't need grit unless you're feeding them treats, which I don't start doing until they're 2-3 weeks old minimum. What they've already eaten won't hurt them, but I'd hold off on the grit and any treats until they're a little bit older and actually need it (unless your grit it rocks and sand from outside, which I introduce to them at 1 week old).
C/P from your other post: Because chicks have been known to gorge on grit I offer a tiny pinch on top of their food once every few days. That's plenty to meet their needs. I do not offer free choice grit until they upgrade in grit size (grower grit around 6-8 weeks of age), as by then they should have better control of their desire to put everything in their mouths.

Do I just tear grass into small pieces or just toss it in there with them?

Note that any grass you offer them should still be attached to the roots, don't toss in only the blades, it's difficult to tear away small pieces if the grass isn't attached and which can end up clogging their crop with long pieces.

Adults can manage it a bit better as long as blades aren't too long, however I've had impacted crop before so I do not offer freshly cut grass as they're more prone to gorge on it vs dry.

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